Saturday’s Guest: Paty Jager


Hello Darlings,

Woo-Hoo! I’m thrilled and delighted to announce Miss Paty Jager’s return to the Junction on Saturday.

Miss Paty always brings some interesting things to talk about and this is no exception. This time she’ll teach us the names of the seasons in the Nez Perce language. Very interesting.

And of course she has a brand-spanking new book out called SPIRIT OF THE LAKE.

To celebrate the book’s release, Miss Paty is doing a blog tour. It runs from May 18-29 and covers 13 blogs. She’s going to give away an autographed copy of the book, a sweatshirt, and cowboy chocolate to the person who visits the most places.


She’ll announce the winner on May 30th. To get a list of the sites on the blog tour, visit

Get a move on now! You can’t afford to be caught in your drawer tail.

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When I'm not keepin' all these Fillies in line, I'm practicing my roping so I can catch me a cowboy. Me and Jasper (my mule) are two peas in a pod. Both of us are as crotchety as all get-out.

1 thought on “Saturday’s Guest: Paty Jager”

  1. I was so excited to follow you Paty that I am a day ahead but okay..I will hang around and wait here for you. If I fall asleep you can find me ..just follow the sound of snoring and I will be there close by. susan Leech

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