Welcome Guest Author Nicole Helm!

Thank you all for hosting me today. This week my book, Cold Case Discovery released. This is the 6th book in my Harlequin Intrigue Hudson Siblings Solutions series. As you can tell by the title, and all the titles in this series, all 7 books involve a group of siblings who work cold cases together. There is also one cold case that is in the background of the first five books, and takes center stage here in book six—the mysterious disappearance of the Hudson siblings parents some fifteen years ago.

When I first started the series, I didn’t quite know for sure what had happened to the parents myself. I like to let the story guide me towards answers that both make sense and surprise me as I write, but sometime when I was writing the first books, I was on a vacation to South Dakota and we went to Wind Cave National Park. There, I saw a map of all the cave systems in the United States and got a lot of information about caves. It started lots of potential ideas percolating, especially since, years ago, I worked at a state park, and while we didn’t have caves, it was at this job where I learned that Missouri (where I live), believe it or not, is known as the cave state. And I did some work at a different park dedicated to one such cave. So I had some basic knowledge of caves as dangerous places and delicate ecosystems. The perfect place for not just a mystery, but a murder!

Wyoming—where my Intrigues are set—doesn’t have nearly as many caves as Missouri, but there are enough that I knew it could be the backdrop of this mystery (and then the final book in the series as well.)

What better place to hide than somewhere underground and undiscovered? Caves are mysterious and easy to get lost in. They make a great hiding place if you know how to survive. A good thing to know for heroes and villains alike!

For both Cold Case Discovery and the following book, Cold Case Murder Mystery—releasing next month, I had to do some more research on caves—what would it take to hide in one for any period of time? What kind of effect would the ecosystem of a cave have on human remains? I also looked into old stories about bodies found in caves, just to spark some potential ideas.

In the end, the fictional cave system I created was the perfect backdrop for an old crime that turned into a new crime. It also gave me the idea for the heroine in Cold Case Murder Mystery’s job (forensic anthropologist). In the end, that trip to Wind Cave, a combination of my previous knowledge and new research, led me to interesting and surprising places in both Cold Case Discover and Cold Case Murder Mystery.

Cold Case Discovery on Amazon

Have you visited any state or national park caves? Did you think they were interesting…or maybe a little creepy? One random commenter will be entered to win a digital copy of the entire Hudson Sibling Solutions series.


A Glimpse Into My Civil War Family Connection

I was talking the other day with some of the fillies about my early American Colonial history and my relationship to Nathan Hale. Yes, the famous “I regret I have but one life to lose for my country” guy. FYI, he didn’t have any children, but his sister did, and it’s through her that my family can trace the connection.

I also have ties to the Civil War. My great-great-great grandfather Edward Talcott Ingraham fought for the North as part of Connecticut’s Sixteenth Regiment. Though taken prisoner later in the war, he amazingly survived the horrific conditions at the notorious Andersonville Prison, eventually returned home to his father’s farm, and then married his sweetheart Nellie. He never fully recovered from his injuries and ordeal, however. He and Nellie had a daughter and, sadly, while she was pregnant with their son, Edward grew weak and died.

He enlisted as a young man of nineteen in response to Abraham Lincoln’s call for volunteers and was paid $25 a month wages. Edward believed in the Union and ultimately gave his life for his country. During the time he was away from the family farm, he wrote letters to Nellie and his father that miraculously survived intact, although the writing is faded and the pages are like tissue paper. My aunt had the letters until she died, and they are now in the tender hands of my cousin. About twenty years ago, my aunt and mother painstakingly transcribed the letters which offer amazing first-hand insight into the life of a Yankee soldier. Here’s just one letter to give you an idea (the spelling and grammar mistakes are Edward’s – my aunt left them in to be accurate):

Dear Nellie,

There if the heading of this does not let you know where I be, I do not know what will. Your kind letter reached me today and as the regiment is under light marching orders, I must answer it today with a short letter. I expect we have got to see some more fighting in a few days. If we do, I do not know but I shall be one to fall. Oh, I am detached from the regiment in to a pionear confis which goes ahead of the troops to clear the way. It is rather a dangerous position to be in. There is no news only have got to give the rebs another summers chase. I will send you a bit of wood from a tree which the bullet hit before it went through Fred Cooleys head. He stood next man to me in the last fight and this time it may hit me. Excuse this short letter for I have no time for we are engaged in preparing for the march. Give my love to all and write soon. Direct your letters as you have done.

                       I remain your ever affectionate friend


In addition to the letters, one tintype photograph of Edward also survived these many years. Here is an image of it my mother had produced from the original tintype. She always thought my cousin resembled him ? Quite the mustache, don’t you agree?

One last interesting fact about my great-great-great grandfather’s time serving in the war. When he and the others of the Sixteenth Regiment were taken prison after losing in battle, they tore their regiment flag into small strips and concealed the strips in their clothing before being transported to Andersonville. Many died there ­ — more from the Sixteenth Regiment than any other regiment. When a member of the Sixteenth died, the strip they carried was given to another member of the Sixteenth Regiment for safekeeping. When all the prisoners were finally released, they were sent to Newberne where they finished out the war doing guard and provost duty. It was there that the remaining scattered survivors of the Sixteenth Regiment were at long last reunited.

In 1879, a space was set aside in the new Connecticut Sate Capitol Building in Hartford for the various flags of the Connecticut Regiments. The remaining strips of the Sixteenth’s flag were stitched together to form a shield. This shield was then sewn onto a banner of heavy white Cheney silk from the silk mills in nearby Manchester. An eagle was embroidered above the shield to replicate the original design of the flag. This banner remains on display in a place of honor to this day.

I think after writing this post, I no longer wonder why I have an interest in American history and write romances. My great-great-great-grandfather survived nothing less than hell on Earth to return to his sweetheart, who faithfully waited for him for years. That’s quite a story, yes?

If you haven’t already done so, check out my latest release:  Merry’s Christmas Cowboy, part of Petticoats & Pistols Christmas Stocking Sweethearts.

 Purchase Merry’s Christmas Cowboy

And don’t forget to drop by Petticoats & Pistols Readers group on Facebook for more exciting news and fun!

Petticoats & Pistols FB Readers Group

Nicole Helm is Next Up in the Junction!

Contemporary romance author Nicole Helm is set to visit on January 24, 2025!

Miss Nicole has written a series about caves. What do you know about them? Do you like going in them or not? I don’t think it would bother me too much unless I go waaay into them. Those things are dark!

She’s also bringing a big giveaway–her entire set of Hudson Sibling Solutions! Oh man!

So come over on Friday and leave a comment to be entered in the drawing.

The Miraculous Oxydonor

How wonderful it would be to have a device that cured every disease!

That is exactly what the Oxydonoor, purported to do. Invented in the 1890s by Dr. Hercules Sanche, and released to the general public in 1896, the Oxydonor consisted of a nickel plated tube containing  a stick of carbon with wires leading from it to electrodes attached to a metal contact pad. The user of the device would put the tube in a bowl of water, attach the metal plate to a wrist or ankle, then lie in bed while the Oxydonor did its work. The colder the water, the more effective the treatment, according to Dr. Sanche.

How did the Oxydonor cure all diseases except for those that were terminal? By forcing oxygen through the skin into the body, of course. People of the era did not understand that oxygen could only enter the body through the lungs.

The device was said to stimulate nerves and increase blood flow as the oxygen levels in the body increased  which, in turn, cured diseases. Dr. Sanche  stated that his device was so effective that it would soon take the place of doctors.

Guess what? It didn’t work.

Guess what else? Dr. Sanche wasn’t really a doctor. He was a businessman who devised a field of medicine called diaduction. He believed that an undercurrent connected all natural organisms, and a disruption of that current created illness. Oxygen, he believed, could restore the disruption of the natural current, thus the Oxydonor. He moved frequently to stay one step ahead of the authorities as the complaints rolled in, but continued to market his device and to warn the general public against imitators.

In 1915 a fraud order was issued against him in New York, and he was sentenced to 18 months in jail. He avoided shutting down operations after that by moving to Montreal Canada, where he continued to market his device until the 1950s.

If you are interested in trying Dr. Sanche’s miracle device, you can pick one up on eBay. There are several listed there.

What the Heck Are Wrist Cuffs?

I had never heard the term wrist cuffs that cowboys wore until pretty recently. I’d seen pictures of them but didn’t know what they were called or why they wore them. Maybe you already did and are way ahead of me. That’s quite possible.

Definition: Wide soft leather bindings that cowboy wore on their wrists to protect them from barbed wire fencing, cattle kicking and causing injury and protecting shirt sleeves. They also protected against rope burns and branding irons. They are also called roping cuffs and sometimes gauntlets.

I’ve seen them on motorcycle riders quite a bit for protection on the road. These were very popular on cowboys until the turn of the century but you can still see them on some working cowboys today.

I admit, they’re pretty cool and make the wearer look tough.

When I started writing Creek, my sweet western romance, I wanted him to wear them but in his case it was partly to conceal an ink drawing on his wrist. My cover designer put them on him but they looked horrible so we took them off.

I have an eleven year old girl in my story. Willa July Calder was left orphaned when her mother dies but she was told to look for a man with a thunderbird drawing on his wrist. That would be her father. When she happens to see Creek’s, she’s convinced he’s her father and starts following him everywhere.

Thunderbirds were revered by Native Americans who believed the mythical birds carried magic and could protect the person.

I won’t give the plot away. The book is available for Preorder. This is Book 1 leading off a multi-author Gun For Hire series with two others of the books also available for preorder now. These are Sweet Western Romances and mine goes on sale March 15. Margaret’s will be available March 31 and Charlene’s April 15. There will be 10 altogether. Here’s the series link: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0DTHVRM6K?tag=pettpist-20

Here are the rest of the series: Zane by Heather Blanton, Keith by Carra Copelin, Ash by our own Jo-Ann Roberts, Shad by Caroline Clemmons, Clint by Tracy Garrett, Landon by Cheryl Pierson, and Luke by another Filly Winnie Griggs.

We sure hope you’ll find these entertaining. Have you read a good western lately? If so, what is the title? Do you like westerns? Let’s talk. I don’t have any copies to give away yet but I will later on.


Thanks so much to each and every single one of you who came by today and commented on my post about SAECULUM –it’s just such a fascinating topic, and I loved hearing what you all had to say about it.

I picked two winners–and they are…..


If you ladies will email me at: fabkat_edit@yahoo.com with your contact information, I will be glad to send you your copy of NOELLE’S CHRISTMAS WISH. If you have already read that one, PLEASE LET ME KNOW when you e-mail me! We’ll figure something out!



I learned a new word thanks to a dear friend of mine, Sharon Cunningham. She posted on Facebook about the word, “saeculum”—which was one that I’d never heard of. I didn’t even know there was an actual word for this “event” or “circumstance.”

Saeculum means the period of time from when an event occurred until all people who had an actual memory of the event have died. The example she used was World War I. The saeculum for that war is over.

It can also be applied to people. (Something else I never thought about.) A person’s saeculum doesn’t end until all people who have a clear memory of knowing that person are gone. So even though a person has died, their saeculum will live for another two or three generations!

Isn’t this amazing? And comforting, somehow. Yes, eventually our saeculum will be over, but what amazes me, and comforts me at the same time, is knowing there is a word—an actual TERM—for the idea of this memory of an event or person.

When you think about it, knowing that someone has created a word to define this period of time is important, because it defines it and gives it meaning—not just some nebulous “I remember Mama” type idea that is passed down. It means, I DO REMEMBER MAMA. I remember how Mama used to sing, I remember how Mama used to cook, how her palm felt on my forehead in the night when she came to check on me. I remember “that” look when she was upset with me, and I remember how she cried when she learned her dad, my grandfather, had died.


Valentine’s Day 1965, Mom, my sister Karen, me, and my oldest sister, Annette
Nov. 1960–my sisters, Karen and Annette cutting up in the living room
Sept. 1966–my mom and dad together
 Dec. 1965–my mom wearing the hula skirt my sister Annette brought me from Hawaii for Christmas
April 1960–my grandmother (mom’s mother), a not-quite-3-year-old me, and my sister Annette
January 1960–Mom’s 38th birthday

I remember Mama the way I knew her. And when we talk to other members of the family who knew and remembered her, we learn many other facets about her personality and things about her as a person we would never have known otherwise. It’s this way with every person we know!

But let’s take it one step further: I remember family. My own, of course—two sisters, Mama and Daddy. But what about extended family? Sometimes we tend to just “move on” in our lives and not dwell on memories of long ago because somehow, they don’t seem important to us. But now that there is a word that defines us in relationship to those memories, doesn’t it seem a little more important that we remember those long-ago times? Soon, there will be no one to remember, and the saeculum for our entire family will be gone.

A group of my cousins at a family reunion

Oddly enough, I remember what I thought as a child at family get-togethers—the excitement of seeing my cousins, of taking a trip to visit everyone, of staying up late and having a bit more freedom since I had grandparents at both ends of the small town where both sides of my family had many members living—and I felt special because of that. I was the only one of my cousins who had THAT! So we always had somewhere to walk to when they were with me—to one pair of grandparents’ house or the other.

As an adult, I think back on those simpler times and wonder what else was going on in the “adult world”—sisters, brothers, in-laws all gathering with their children and meal preparation for so many people—my mother was the oldest of eleven children!

My mother, El Wanda Stallings Moss, and my aunt (my dad’s sister) JoAnne Moss Jackson

Two unforgettable women!

Everyone tried to come home to Bryan County during Christmas and/or Thanksgiving. Such an exciting time, but for the adults…tiring and maybe stressful? If so, I don’t remember ever seeing that side of anyone.


My mom and dad as newlyweds in 1944–El Wanda Stallings Moss and Frederic Marion Moss–around 22 years old

So, maybe that’s why I think writing is so important. My mom always said she wanted to write down her life story, but “life” kept getting in the way and it never happened. When she ended up with Alzheimer’s, the time for writing down anything was over. Though the written word doesn’t add to a person’s saeculum, it does at least two things for those left behind: It helps preserve the stories and memories the deceased person has talked about before they passed, and it gives future generations a glimpse into their ancestors’ lives, thoughts, beliefs, and dreams.

This is my great-grandmother, “Mammy” (Emma Christi Anna Ligon Stallings)–my mother’s dad’s mother. I never knew her, but I felt like I did from the stories Mom told me about her. She was born not long after the Civil War ended, and regaled my mother with stories of her growing up years. I wish I had listened better when Mom tried to tell me about her!

We die, and eventually are forgotten by the world. Events happen that were, at the time,  life-changing, world- altering, such as wars, rampant disease, and tragedies of other kinds. These, though horrific at the time, will eventually be relegated to the tomes of the historical past…and forgotten…by many. There is nothing to stop it. All saeculums will be over for individual people and for events. And they will all become history.

What we can leave behind for others is our pictures, the written word of who we are and what we believe, and if we have a particular talent or craft, pieces of that—carvings, quilts, beautiful artwork or writings, creations of so many kinds.

A painting my mom did many years ago of an old barn in a snowstorm. Sorry it’s so small! Couldn’t make it bigger without making it blurry.

Our saeculum is fragile, and fleeting. So for 2025, my one and only resolution is to try to keep some kind of journal for my children, or for anyone who might be interested in the future. I want to write about my childhood, just the regular every-day things we did, the heat of the Oklahoma summer nights, the fireflies that lit up those nights until we knew we had to go home or get in trouble! The way the house creaked, and how the attic fan sounded like a freight train as it brought in that blessed cooler air during those same hot summer nights. So many memories of “nothing special”—just the business of living.  I want to write about the way life was then—because it will never be that way again, for better or worse.

My best friend, Jane Carroll, and me, on a fall day in the sandbox. I was about 8, and Jane was a year older. We moved in just down the street from one another during the same week of 1963! Jane is gone now, but I still love her and miss her.

Will anyone give a hoot? Maybe not. But I will know I’ve done what I could do if anyone DOES care. I’m not sure Laura Ingalls Wilder thought anyone would care about her stories—but look at what a glimpse into the past they have provided for so many generations! I’m no Laura Ingalls Wilder. My journals won’t begin to make the impression on the world that hers did. But you never know who might read them and think, “I wish I had known her!” (Even after my saeculum is over!)

Me, at age three.

Do you have anything you would like to leave to future generations to remember you by? This fascinates me!

Today, I’m giving away a PRINT OR DIGITAL COPY of NOELLE’S CHRISTMAS WISH–book 5 of the Petticoats & Pistols Christmas Stocking Sweethearts series to one lucky commenter! Thanks to each and every one of you for being a part of PETTICOATS & PISTOLS!



Click here to view the entire series on Amazon


Order your copy of LOVE UNDER FIRE today!


A MARSHAL FOR CALLIE–KINDLE LINK: https://tinyurl.com/yn85vnkk

A MARSHAL FOR CALLIE–PAPERBACK LINK: https://tinyurl.com/mryt2fwf


Thanks for stopping by today! Be sure to leave your contact info along with your comment in case you win!

CHERYL’S AMAZON AUTHOR PAGE:  https://tinyurl.com/2k7xeddt

Jolene Navarro Has a Winner!

Miss Jolene, thank you so much for being open about your learning disability and sharing it with us. That was interesting.

Now for the Drawing!

One person will win a copy of The Texan’s Journey Home.

And the winner is…………


Yippee!! Huge Congrats, Karijean! Now watch for Miss Jolene’s email.

Everyone, don’t forget to check out the blog posts for this week. There’s always something exciting.


Welcome Guest Author Jolene Navarro

When fiction reflects real life.

Hola from the back porch of my aunt’s Texas Hill Country ranch. My husband, cousin and I are listening to my nephew singing.

As a seventh-generation Texan from a long line of ranchers and farmers, it’s logical for my stories to explore the lives of those people I know. Using the setting that shaped me came naturally. Horses, dogs, cats, and various other animals are a part of my stories because they are a part of my life. The best thing about creating stories is I get to make sure everyone who deserves it gets a happy ending.

Life is too short and, at times, tragic for sad stories. So, I write about struggles that lead to happy endings.

The path to becoming a published writer is rarely straightforward, but for any neurodivergent individual, it can be fraught with unique challenges.

The Texan’s Journey Home is ironically closest to my own journey.

The Texan’s Journey Home is my 20th book. For the first time, I used my personal experience of going through school with an undiagnosed learning disability to create my hero’s scar. Reno Espinosa has gone through life not knowing he was dyslexic. He dreams of being a firefighter but can’t pass the written exam.

Personally, I didn’t get dysgraphia diagnoses until I was studying education in college.

Dyslexia and dysgraphia are learning disorders (LD) that affect reading, writing and oral language-based processing skills. It is not a simple matter of “backward” letters. Think about b, d, p, q – what if the line and circle shifted on you – how can you tell them apart?

It significantly impacts a person’s educational and personal development. When a learning disability remains undiagnosed, the challenges it presents can be misinterpreted as laziness, lack of intelligence, or behavioral issues.

My hero learned to cover it up by smiling and making a joke out of everything.

People with undiagnosed a LD, often internalize the struggle and blame themselves and are afraid of asking for help. The difficulties with reading, writing, and spelling can lead to feelings of inadequacy and frustration. The fear of judgment and the constant comparison to peers can further erode self-confidence.

I was an avid reader. Growing up, I probably spent more time in a book than with real people. So, I didn’t understand why I had a problem with spoken words, grammar and spelling. I would know all the answers on a test but would fail it because the answers were spelled wrong.

Making up stories was how my brain liked to spend time, but I didn’t have the confidence to try and write them.

I mean the message was clear. If I couldn’t spell, I couldn’t write. That was the falsehood I believed until I was almost forty.

People have asked me to speak about the journey of a published author with a learning disability, but it never occurred to use that experience for a character.

Until Reno. He needed a turning point to find his place and purpose in life.

The journey from undiagnosed to a purpose-driven life often involves a turning point—a moment of recognition, a diagnosis, or a newfound strategy that unlocks potential. This for me is where reality and fiction meet.

Turning points can take various forms:

  • Diagnosis: Receiving a diagnosis of dyslexia can be a life-changing event. It explains the struggles experienced and opens doors to support and accommodations. With a diagnosis, I understood the problem. It was freeing to understand it had nothing to do with my intelligence. For Reno, I brought in Lyrissa Martinez. The heroine is a trained special ed teacher who recognizes the signs and sees the strategies Reno has been using to cover his inability to read. She sees him, the real man he is hiding.
  • Self-Discovery: Some individuals may discover their own learning style and develop coping mechanisms that enable them to navigate the challenges of their LD. This is what I did in college as I earned my master’s degree in special ed. Again, I used Lyrissa to walk Reno through ways he can learn. Movement can be a big help for processing new information. In a traditional classroom this can cause problems.
  • Mentorship: A supportive mentor or teacher can play a crucial role in recognizing potential and providing guidance and encouragement. I meet a woman you might know. Jodi Thomas. She was amazing and inspirational. Every time I heard her speak; I grew in confidence. Lyrissa does this for Reno.

Of course, Lyrissa has lessons she needs to learn too. Reno’s charming smile and ability to live in the moment, helps her open-up and trust herself to live her fullest life. Truth be told Reno and Lyrissa might be my favorite couple from all my books.

Recognizing strengths, celebrating achievements, and seeking positive feedback is something all of us could use a little more of. And I think reading romance is just one way to do that for ourselves.

The Power of Perseverance

One of the strongest lessons I have taken from Jodi Thomas is the power of perseverance. No matter the obstacle, it is perseverance that gets us through the hard times and into success.

The journey from an undiagnosed learning disability to being a published author or a first responder is a story of resilience, determination, and the unwavering belief in your faith. This is why I write what I write.

Despite the challenges, neurodivergent individuals can and do achieve remarkable success in the literary world and beyond. Their unique perspectives and experiences can enrich their lives and inspire others to overcome their own obstacles.

Here I am, signing copies of The Texan’s Journey Home at The Boerne Bookshop.

Reno and Lyrissa’s story can be found in The Texan’s Journey Home and is available now in Walmart and anywhere books are sold.

The link is the direct link to Harlequin.

A surprise homecoming…

Could give him a second chance.

Working as a ranch hand isn’t Reno Espinoza’s dream job, but it lets him keep his lifelong secret hidden. Until an accident on the ranch leads him to unintentionally reveal his learning disability to his childhood crush, Lyrissa Martinez. Teaching Reno to read is no trouble for the special ed teacher, but his carefree attitude reminds her of a past she’s trying to move on from. As the two spend more time together, can they help each other heal old wounds for a chance at forever?

From Love Inspired: Uplifting stories of faith, forgiveness and hope.

I haven’t seen many books with a lead character with a learning disability. Have you. Do you have a certain type of hero you love reading? I’d love recommendations to any book you have recently enjoyed.

I’m delighted to give away one print copy The Texan’s Journy Home to a U. S. resident. Please leave a comment below.

Jolene, a seventh-generation Texan, knows, as much as the world changes, people stay the same. Good and evil. Vow-keepers and heart breakers. Jolene married a vow-keeper who showed her that dancing in the rain never gets old.
Her stories are full of family, faith, and grit. Spoiler, they all end with a happy-ever-after. She loves spending time with her four kids, and can be found at jolenenavarro.com and fb @ jolenenavarroauthor