Special Event Week: Happy Boxing Day!


Today  is Boxing Day and it’s celebrated in Britain, Canada and other commonwealth nations.  Despite its name, it has nothing to do with duking it out with the family or fighting crowds at the mall.  Today is the day families give presents to those providing service during the year.  It’s also a day to think of the less fortunate.

The tradition is thought to have started back in the middle ages when servants  required to work on Christmas were given the following day off.  As they prepared to spend time with their own families, they received gift boxes from employers containing food or money. 

Eventually, the tradition  expanded to include mail carriers, doormen, gardeners, tradesmen and others providing service.  



Though some people think the holiday was developed to preserve class lines, I prefer to think of it as a day to remember those who remember us the rest of the year.

What do you think?




Wishing you all a Happy Boxing Day and a blessed New Year!


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11 thoughts on “Special Event Week: Happy Boxing Day!”

  1. This makes me want to read more. I’ve heard of boxing day before. I guess, if I thought at all, I figured it had something to do with Christmas gifts that came in boxes???


  2. Margaret,
    I’ve heard of Boxing Day before and one of the things that was said about it when I was younger was that it was a time to give to the less fortunate, and since it was after Christmas, it was a chance to take a person’s used or outgrown clothing/toys/etc. and pass them on to the poor. I don’t know if that’s truly a part of it anymore or not–it seems that so many charitable foundations have gotten picky about donated items, it may be this way all over. It IS a pity it never caught on here, though. After Christmas would be a wonderful time to donate. Hope you had a wonderful Christmas!

  3. Hi Cheryl, Merry Christmas to you, too. Yes, charities are becoming more picky, but then so are needy people. Locally, some “needy” children were requesting video games for their X-boxes. Doesn’t sound needy to me.

  4. Me, either, Margaret. Then I see stories on the news like the family on the east coast that lost everything in Hurricane Sandy and were so glad to receive anything from the organizations and neighbors, and my daughter did some location scouting for a company that wanted to do an insurance commercial using devastation footage from tornadoes, and she said she met so many people in KS (this was last summer) who had lost so much, but still would say, “Come have a drink of water.” etc. They were so thrilled to find any of their belongings still salvageable. I know there are people out there who would be glad to get clothes and shoes and so on that were used. If you’re cold, and someone gives you a coat, it really doesn’t matter if the coat is new or not–at least, I know it wouldn’t to me.
    I know what you mean–‘needy’ doesn’t mean X-Box games.

  5. Very interesting post. I had just asked my husband what boxing day was and how it got started just before I opened this blog post. Now I know. Thanks so much for the info.

  6. Hi Margaret,
    What a wonderful tradition. Our little town is the best. We had a tragedy last month of a lady dying, at work, and later that night, her house burning to the ground. (Spooky, huh?–Total accident and cooincidence.???…) Anyway, the town has raised all kinds of money for the family and donated clothes, household items, etc., for when they get another house. And we are a very poor town. But we care. There were even a number of people who said they hadn’t liked the family, but donated the most! Guilt? Maybe that’s what Boxing day is about–Guilt. Anyway it’s a great idea.

  7. A good tradition that should be followed. Personally, I wish people would keep that thought and consideration throughout the year. It has always struck me how people can’t seem to do enough for the homeless, the elderly, and others in need during the holiday season. The result is a glut of resources, visits, and help for a few weeks. Working with Scouts and other groups, Christmas is always a busy time for doing something, especially at nursing homes. There is often so much people want to do there is barely enough time for it all. What many of these people need is just a friendly visit now and then throughout the year. My scout troops did just that. We didn’t do much at Christmas, but we made an effort to go back as much as possible. A door decoration, a short visit, helping with BINGO, something to say you are thought of extends the spirit of Christmas throughout the year. My point was to show them that caring and doing for others is something to be done all year long, not just at Christmas. Appreciating what you have and helping others is a satisfying way to go through life.

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