Linda LaRoque ~ Women of Controversy in Waco, Texas

My time travel romance, My Heart Will Find Yours, is set in 1880s Waco, Texas. Located on the Brazos River, in its early history, Waco was known as Six-Shooter Junction. Trail drives herded their cattle across the Brazos in Waco and the cowboys usually spent time in the bawdy houses of the Reservation or Two Street as the red-light district was known. Drinking in the multitude of saloons and card games sometimes led to fights, often involving the use of firearms.

When the suspension bridge opened in 1870, and the railroad arrived in 1871, business in Waco thrived. Trail drives repeatedly lost cattle when herding their livestock across the Brazos. It wasn’t uncommon for a man to be caught in the undertow and drown. Cattle bosses were willing to pay the 50 cents per animal to get their cattle across safely.

In her book, A Spirit So Rare, Patricia Ward Wallace broaches the topic of how women forged a path in the early history of Waco. Her chapter on prostitutes is titled Women of Controversy. Since prostitution plays a minor role in my western time travel romance, I’d like to borrow her title and share some of what I learned.

The first noted record of prostitution in Waco is documented in an 1876 city directory. Matilda Davis of 76 N. Fourth St. is listed as a madam with 10 occupants in her house. The women listed their occupation as actress. Waco had no playhouse at the time. In 1879, the city issued the first license for a bawdy house for an annual fee of $200 and a good behavior bond of $500.

Waco officials legalized prostitution within the Reservation in 1889 making Waco the first town in Texas and the second in the United States to condone a controlled red-light district. Madams paid a yearly fee of $12.50 for each bedroom and $10.00 for each bawd. Prostitutes paid an additional $10.00 license fee and paid the city physician $2.00 twice a month for a medical exam. This guaranteed they didn’t ply their trade outside their designated territory and were disease free. The city prohibited drinking within the area. Fines for violators ranged between $50 and $100. With the large number of prostitutes it’s easy to see the city benefited from trade within the Reservation.

Prostitutes were prohibited from being seen on the streets outside the Reservation yet they were allowed to trade with local businesses. No more than two at a time could travel via a city hack to the stores. Usually tradesmen sent clerks to the curb with merchandise. Some store owners required the prostitutes to stop at the back door.

Life was hard for these working girls. Violence abounded in the bordellos as did drug and alcohol use and abuse. Though licensed, the police had little to do with the establishments. The madams disciplined the women in their houses and maintained order among their clientele. On occasion the police were called when robberies or assaults occurred.

Waco’s most famous madam was Mollie Adams. She had worked in another house but in 1890 opened her own three-room operation. By 1893 she had a seven-room establishment. In 1910 she’d obtained enough wealth to commission a house to be built by the same firm that built the First Baptist Church of Waco and the building now the Dr. Pepper Museum. Her home at 408 N. Second St., had indoor plumbing, electric fixtures, two parlors, a dance hall, and a bell system wired to every room. Her portrait, included here, hung over the fireplace. Though wealthy at this point in her life, she died in an indigent home in 1944. Lorna Lane, the madam in Madison Cooper’s epic novel, Sironia, is supposedly modeled after Mollie Adams.

In 1917, the US Government ordered cities with military bases to shut down red light districts to protect the health of America’s soldiers. Not wanting to lose Camp MacArthur and its 36,000 troops, the city shut down the Reservation in August of 1917. It is rumored some bawdy houses managed to continue business through the 1920s.

References: Wallace, P. W., A Spirit So Rare, pp. 148-156.

Photo: Courtesy of Texas Collection, Baylor University, Waco, Texas

Thank you the Petticoat and Pistols ladies for having me as your guest today. Readers, I love comments. Leave me one and “Felicia Filly” will draw a winner for an e-copy of My Heart Will Find Yours. Visit my website at to read the first chapters of my books. I give away an ebook every month on my blog at http://www.lindalaroqueauthor.blogspot/

Happy Reading and Writing!


Congratulations to the Day Four Winners!

 Y’all sure know the Filly books! You guessed ‘em all, but no surprises there.  You ladies are good at this!   Filly #7 is none other than Miss Elizabeth Lane.  Those first lines are from The Borrowed Bride, His Substitute Bride and The Horseman’s Bride.

 Filly #8 made things nice and easy. Miss Tanya Hanson even had a title in her first lines. She wrote Marry Mattie, Hearts Crossing Ranch and  Marrying Minda.

 Filly #9 is none other than Miss Winnie Griggs. Her titles are Something More, Lady’s Choice and The Christmas Journey.


Let’s get to the prizes! 


Congratulations to catlady!  You won a glass beaded bookmark and a book to go with it from Miss Cheryl St.John. Give her a shout at

Doctor in Petticoats by Mary Connealy goes to . . .  ReneeC!   Give Mary a holler at

Another shout-out goes to Tabitha.  She won Give Me a Texas Ranger from Phyliss Miranda. Email Phyliss at

A hard copy of Marrying Minda  by Tanya Hanson goes to Laurie G!  You can find Miss Tanya at

Hello, ellie!  You won the title of your choice from Winnie Griggs’ back list.  Email Winnie at

And one more prize . . . Miss Phyliss is giving away an extra copy of Give Me a Texas Ranger. It goes to JackieW.  Email Miss Phyliss at

That’s it for today, ladies! Tomorrow’s our last day for Fabulous Filly First Lines. The Fillies will be tallying up the right answers and announcing the Friday winners and the winner of that Barnes & Noble gift card in the wee hours of Friday night.

Announcing The Day Three Winners!

The Fillies are impressed!  You ladies know yer stuff!  Sure ‘nuff, Filly #5 is Miss Cheryl St.John, and the books are Her Colorado Man, A Husband By Any Other Name and The Lawman’s Bride.  

 Filly #6 is Phyliss Miranda. Her titles are Give Me a Texan, Give Me a Cowboy and Give Me a Texas Ranger.

The Fillies are chompin’ at the bit to give away more prizes, so let’s pull same names outta that hat…


The Horseman’s Bride by Elizabeth Lane goes to Stephanie Buckner.  Send Miss Elizabeth an email at  and she’ll mail ya yer prize. 

 Congratulations to Merry! You won Give Me a Texas Ranger from Phyliss Miranda. Give her a shout at

 A gift certificate to White Rose Press from Tanya Hanson goes to Judy An. Email Tanya at

 Congratulations to kammie! You won A Lady Like Sarah By Margaret Brownley. Give Miss Margaret a ring at

 A Doctor in Petticoats by Mary Connealy by goes Quilt Lady! Give a shout to Mary at

Stacey Coverstone ~ My Romance With Tulie

Stacey Coverstone photoTularosa.  The word evokes the vision of a charming Mexican village in the desert, which is pretty close to accurate.  Tularosa is the name of an actual town in New Mexico (nicknamed Tulie), and it is the setting for my upcoming contemporary romance, Lucky in Love, being released June 1 by Champagne Books.

 I’ve been carrying on a romance with this southwestern village since 2004 when I traveled to the Land of Enchantment fP1010622-horsesor the first time.  It took only two days for me to fall in love with the flowering desert, the multi-faceted mountains, and the eternal sunshine.  I fell so hard, in fact, that I bought five acres of land with the dream of building a ranch on it one day.  From the adobe home I imagined on the property, the Sacramento Mountains lay out my back door while the sacred mountain, Sierra Blanca, provided an incredible northeast view from my kitchen window.

Tularosa derives its name Rio Tularosafrom the Spanish word tule meaning rose colored reeds, which grew along the banks of the Rio Tularosa, which still exists along the north side of the town.  Original settlers were attracted to this area in 1860 because the river flowed deep and cool year-round in the desert.  However, due to frequent raids by the Apaches from what is now the Mescalero Apache Reservation, occupation was untenable and the site was abandoned.  Two years later, Hispanic farmers from the Rio Grande valley succeeded in settling the area, with protection from Fort Stanton to the east. Orchards were planted and homes were built.  In 1863, Tularosa was formally established and forty-nine blocks of the new village were plotted, with water rights distributed and recorded.

All was not peaceful in this idyllic setting, however.  In 1868, the Apaches went on  a vicious rampage, killing eleven men and two women, prompting a battle between settlers and soldiers against the Apaches at Round Mountain, a cone-shaped peak 1,000 feet TularosaChurchabove the 4,500 foot high desert floor.  After that short skirmish, in which the Indians retreated, Tularosa was never again attacked, and the Hispanics promised to build a new church to commemorate the last battle with the Apaches.  The St. Francis de Paula Mission was started that same year and still stands today, shaded by ancient cottonwoods that line one of the oldest acequias in southern New Mexico.

The original Roses in Tulieacequia (ditch irrigation system) remains virtually unchanged and still provides the water for the trees lining the streets, grassy lawns, and a variety of beautiful roses, which grace many private gardens. A Rose Festival is held annually, the first weekend in May, to celebrate the abundance of blossoms. 

Some of the original block-long adobe homes still exist in Tulie as well.  In 1979, the Tularosa Original Town-site District, consisting of the original forty-nine blocks on 1400 acres including 182 buildings was recorded in the National Register of Historic Places.

With a population of around 3,000, this picturesque village has welcomed the arrival of Spanish-speaking ranchers, Texdesert wildflowersas cattlemen, soldiers, Anglos and Apaches, and has managed to weather them all.

In Lucky in Love, my heroine, Jordan Mackenzie, is one of those transplants who falls in love with Tularosa, the lifestyle, and the natural beauty of New Mexico, much the same way that I did.  Many of the landmarks, places and events in this story are real, such as The Lodge and Rebecca the ghost, the Otero County fair and rodeo, the fabulous Mexican restaurant, Casa de Suenos, and theCover LuckyinLove Mission Church.  This story is near and dear to my heart, as is Tulie.  I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.  You can watch the video and read a blurb and excerpt of Lucky in Love on my website:

Leave a comment today and you will be entered in a drawing for a chance to win a free digital copy of the book.

Thanks to the fillies for having me today.  I always love talking to my fellow western romance fans.

Happy Reading,


Nicola Marsh ~ What inspires me?

Nicola Marsh

As a writer, the question I’m most commonly asked is ‘where do you get your ideas from?’

My first book?  I was between patients while working full time as a physiotherapist, picked up a glossy mag from the waiting room, flicked through and there was a fabulous article on speed dating.  I’d only just started writing at the time and something about that article set off a little ‘ding’ in my creative brain and off I went.

Another book?  Reading the Sunday newspaper, I came across an article in the travel section on hotel concierges, all male, and thought I’d make my heroine a hotelier filling in as concierge for a week and having to deal with a prince incognito.acland2

Most of my books?  From real life experiences around my beautiful home city of Melbourne.  There’s nothing like first hand research anlygon2sd considering how much I love my food it comes as no surprise I’ve set many books around the ‘foodie’ areas of this restaurant-rich city. Brunswick Street (boho central), Acland Street (home to the best cakes and pastry shops on the planet!), Lygon Street (Little Italy), the Docklands (hip new eateries),all intriguing settings in their own right but once you throw in the food…yum!

So what inspired me to write my current releases THREE TIMES A BRIDESMAID…(Harlequin Romance) & OVERTIMTTAB US coverE IN THE BOSS’S BED (Harlequin Presents Extra)? 

THREE TIMES A BRIDESMAID…came about after many trips to the Melbourne Aquarium with my kids over the last two years, and OVERTIME IN THE BOSS’S BED was inspired after lightning struck my house last year!  (That scene in the book where Starr runs tOITBB US covero Callum’s house after lightning strikes the cottage?  Didn’t happen that way for me.  My hero was away at the time!!)

Sometimes characters leap straight into my head, other times it’s the uniqueness of a setting that will tempt me to create a story.

So next time you read a scene in a book, who knows?  It may have happened to the author and inspired them to write an entire book!


If you could ask an author anything, what would it be?

Thanks to the lovely gang at Petticoats and Pistols for having me!  To celebrate my double release this month, I’m giving away a signed copy of my recent Romantic Times finalist for Best Harlequin Romance 2009, A TRIP WITH THE TYCOON.  Leave a comment to be in the running.


hats-in-the-airThanks to everyone who stopped by and left me a comment! It’s Spring break, so I was busy all day – caught the early matinee for How To Train Your Dragon (I loved it) and had lunch out again, played Monopoly and put a jigsaw puzzle together.

Tomorrow I’m due for a nap, don’t you think? But I have a dentist appointment. Rats.

I put all of the names in my cowboy hat and drew two. That just didn’t seem like enough, so I drew a third as a bonus!

And the winners are….

stjohn.jpgTo claim your autographed book, send your address to me at:

Have a great Friday!



 It’s getting that time of year again when we fill our stockings, sit by the fire and sing yuletide songs!   Who wouldn’t want this cowboy under  the holiday tree? And he’ll be delivering grand prizes from all the authors at Wildflower Junction! 

Your holiday gift includes signed Christmas books, handmade earrings from our own Cheryl St. John, Holiday napkins, Christmas ornaments, glitzy baubles and much more!  

 Look for this COWBOY come early November for your chance to enter!! 

Happy Trails Until Then!

Pamela Nowak ~ Choices

pam-nowak-picI want to thank Petticoats and Pistols for inviting me and giving me the opportunity to share with all of you. This is a favorite site of mine and blogging with you here is beyond exciting!

This week, my second novel, Choices, was released. Set at Fort Randall, Dakota Territory in 1876, it tells the story of a rebellious officer’s daughter, an honorable enlisted man, and a forbidden relationship.  

Twenty odd years ago, when my late husband, Tim, and I were first married, we shared an avid interest in living history. He was an archaeologist, I was a history teacher, and we were both passionate about the Amephoto-4rican West. He created the persona of a soldier-a private-and I was a governess. Both of us spent scores of hours researching the period:  the army, etiquette and social rules, nineteenth century dress; and how our characters fit within it. At the same time, Tim was also the project manager of the Fort Randall Archaeological Project. We lived and breathed Fort Randall for over two years. 

Choices flowed out of that. The facts were swimming around in my head, mingling constantly into different storylines (that happens a lot with facts in my head). They begged for characters to play them out and for the words to be written down. 

The nineteenth cfort_randall_military_postentury army had rigid sets of rules for being a soldier and complex social codes for how officers, enlisted men, and their women were permitted (or not permitted) to interact. I was amazed at how stratified society was at these western outposts and at how thoroughly officer’s wives observed those social norms. Memoirs, scholarly studies, and the notations left by army personnel all speak to the separation of classes—as defined by rank. 

But even more amazing were the exceptions. Though officers’ wives were socially superior to enlisted men’s wives, they were not officially recognized by the army. In fact, they were considered camp followers, in the same category as prostitutes who might do business just off the military reservation (their places of business were nicknamed “hog ranches”) and were allowed only at the sufferance of the commanding officer. Laundresses, who were often wives of enlisted men, were offic17-in-general-miles-marching-and-chowder-society-reenactmential civilian contractors with corresponding army regulations detailing their rights to be there.  

On most posts, lifestyles of the enlisted and officer classes were narrowly defined and very separate. A few diaries and memoirs offer glimpses into occasional relaxation of those barriers, most often for an all-post holiday celebration or when there was an unusual crisis. 

I wanted to share all this but also to present a story about choices, about how we all choose who we are going to be in terms of choices-coverrelationships with others. Miriam, my heroine, confronts rules and regulations head-on and resists them every step of the way while she seeks ways to cross the lines. I introduced her rigid and domineering mother, Harriet, to bring pressure on her to toe the line and to personify the exclusionary nature of society. Lt. Wood is representative of expectations. Mixed in is the culture of the army, Harriet’s addiction to laudanum, Jake’s honor, the laundress’s common-sense outlook on life, and Major Longstreet’s predicament of his own making. 

I hope you will find the story and fun to read as I found it to write and that my characters reveal the subtleties involved in the choices that face us all. 

I’ve enjoyed our time together. Please visit me on my website at

To celebrate the release of Choices, Pam will be giving a copy to one of today’s blog participants.