It’s Yee-Haw Day!

Welcome to Yee-Haw Day, the once-a-month day we’ve reserved to share our news with you – all sorts of fun news!

So check out the post below to get the details on the kinds of things that make us go Yee-Haw!!

Margaret Brownley

Look what’s on sale for only $2.99!

The only thing threatening their success is love.




A feisty widow; a dashing outlaw.  Something’s definitely afoot.


Karen Witemeyer

It’s Christmas in July!

An Archer Family Christmas, the first novella in the An Old-Fashioned Texas Christmas 2-in-1 anthology is a finalist for the Faith, Hope, and Love’s Reader Choice Award. Yee Haw! I had so much fun revisiting the Archer brothers and their families in this one.

Grab a copy of the collection for as low as $4.99!
Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Christianbook


I’ve got a story in a new Chicken Soup book, THE MAGIC OF MOMS!

My story is called “Seventeen” and is about those difficult teenage years. It appeared in the Chicken Soup for The Soul–Empty Nesters book a few years back, so I’m thrilled that they chose it to be included in this latest edition of a new Chicken Soup book recently! 

Here’s the link!


Karen Kay

PROUD WOLF’S WOMAN is back in print after being out of print for nearly 25 years.  This is recently re-edited and is the 25th Year Anniversary special edition of one of my most popular books.  It was the 3rd book I wrote for AVON/HarperCollins and is a companion book for LAKOTA SURRENDER.  The paperback will be on sale for $9.99.  My paperbacks are usually $13.99, but with all the strangeness in the world nowadays, I’ve dropped the pricing of the paperback to $9.99.  The e-book is on sale for $4.99.  This book is on sale at Barnes & Noble, KOBO, Itunes and Amazon.  It is also on sale at many different libraries worldwide.

Pick up and read your copy today.


Phyliss Miranda

I don’t have to remind you all these last few months have been trying on all of us, but I want to share some good news from my family. I have two grandsons who graduated, one from high school and one from college. Although neither got to walk the stage or have a senior prom. They are both okay with it, each for different reasons.

My middle grandson, Ty, graduated from high school, but all he wanted was to “graduate”, since he’d already enlisted in the Navy and will be leaving today for Chicago. Since he’s an Eagle Scout he was sworn in while a senior. When he’s finished with basic training, he’ll go to Connecticut for submarine training. I’m so proud of him for wanting to serve and protect our country.

Our oldest grandson, Alex, graduated from University of North Texas, and since he has a very good niche job, all he cared about was getting his diploma. Now here’s the exciting turn of events. His PawPa wasn’t able to walk the stage when he graduated college, since he was on his way to Vietnam. His mama got his diploma in the mail. Alex was in town on business last week and his diploma was mailed here. It arrived about ten minutes before he got to the house and his PawPa got to present him with it. It was a very special event for everyone.

I hope and pray we all get some relief from what is hanging over our heads, but these are just two of my family blessings that have come about during the pandemic. Blessings to all you all.



Hi everyone,

I wanted to let you all know that I have a new release coming up in a few days with Chicken Soup for the Soul. This book is sub-titled “Messages From Heaven”, and the description reads like this: “The 101 true and miraculous stories in this book of signs and messages from beyond show that death may take away the physical presence of our loved ones, but not their spirit. This book is for everyone, religious or secular, as regular people share their amazing experiences with the other side.” It’s available now for pre-order and will be on sale on February 28.

My story in this collection is called “A TOUCH FROM HEAVEN” and is about something that happened after my mother passed away in 2008, just three weeks after my dad passed in December that let me know she was still there with me, still watching over me. On three separate occasions, I knew she was beside me by something that happened. Many months later, my sister asked me if I had experienced “anything” since Mom had passed. “Like what?” I asked her.  “She called my name,” my sister said, “and it was so clear that I … I answered her!” I could tell it was hard for her to talk to me about it, because it sounded so odd. But when I told her about my experiences, we knew there was no doubt that Mom had been with us each time.  This book has lots of varied stories about comforting, uplifting occurrences that have happened after a loved one has passed on.

This experience gave me an idea for another fictional western story that I started on not long after I wrote this story for the Chicken Soup collection, and I know that is another bit of encouragement from my mom.

Do you have a story to share about something similar that might have happened to you? I’d love to hear it if you do!

I also have two other stories in another Chicken Soup collection, CHICKEN SOUP FOR THE EMPTY NESTERS SOUL, an insightfull anthology of stories about those of us who are going through the period of learning to live without our kids, and not just necessarily when it’s time to go to college.


Short Stories vs. Novels

I had never thought of myself as a short story writer.  But if it hadn’t been for short stories, I never would have “broken in” to this business.  I’d always wanted to write longer projects, and in fact, had written a huge saga-type western novel that I still have hopes of someday revamping (and it will take a LOT of revamping) and getting out there. That was the true book of my heart that set me on this path.  But I had a lot to learn about writing.

After sending the query and first three chapters out to several agents, I did land one. But after a year of nothing happening, I couldn’t see anything changing. I was getting very depressed, to say the least.

A friend of mine found a call for submissions from Adams Media for their Rocking Chair Reader series. This series was somewhat akin to the Chicken Soup For the Soul books, and my friend and I had already missed the deadline for the first of the series! But there was another anthology coming out as a follow up to the first one.  The second one was called, ROCKING CHAIR READER—MEMORIES FROM THE ATTIC.  These stories were true stories about something the writer had found years later that brought back memories of something that happened in childhood.  I had the perfect tale! I wrote it and submitted it, and thankfully, the editor liked it, as well. That led to several more publications with Adams Media through these anthologies, and then a few stories with Chicken Soup.

 But these stories were all based in truth, and I wanted to write fiction.  Western romance fiction.  It was shortly after that when I sold my first book, FIRE EYES, to The Wild Rose Press, and then branched out into contemporary romantic suspense with SWEET DANGER.  While writing these novels, I had been approached by a couple of publishing companies asking for fictional short stories.  But did I really want to go back to short stories?  The answer was YES. 

Writing those short stories in the beginning helped me realize that while I was adding to my portfolio of credits, I was also proving to myself that I could write compactly, in short story form.  Writing a short story is a totally different breed of cat than writing a novel. Making each word or scene count and not seeming to rush the story while doing it is something I will forever be working on, just to improve the telling of the story even more.

Ernest Hemingway was once challenged to tell a story in six words. This is what he wrote:  “Baby shoes for sale.  Never worn.”  If that doesn’t tell a story, I don’t know what does.

 Just this past month, I had three of my short stories that had been previously published in anthologies with Victory Tales Press re-released as stand-alone stories.  Two of them, SCARLET RIBBONS and HOMECOMING are western short stories, available for only .99 through their WESTERN TRAIL BLAZER imprint.  WHITE CHRISTMAS is available through Victory Tales Press for .99 as well. The best thing is…they all have JIMMY THOMAS covers. <G>

All of these stories are available at my Amazon page here: 

Here’s a bit about these stories.


 A holiday skirmish sends Union officer, Jack Durham, on an unlikely mission for a dying Confederate soldier—his enemy. As he nears his destination, the memories of the soldier’s final moments mingle with his own thoughts of the losses he’s suffered because of the War, including his fiance, Sarah. Will the miracle of Christmas be able to heal his heart in the face of what awaits him?

Since her divorce, busy ER nurse, Carlie Thomas, has been only too happy to spend Christmas on duty. This year, however, she’s decided to take a much-needed break. What she gets instead is an unexpected house guest, courtesy of her Uncle Rick. Derek Pierce, a fireman with no family, needs some special care after being injured in a fire. As Christmas approaches, Carlie discovers that she has more in common with Derek than being alone. But Derek’s wounds are more than just skin deep. Will they spend the holidays haunted by the ghosts of the past, or could this Christmas spark a new, beautiful friendship…or even something more?


Miguel Rivera is known as El Diablo, The Devil. Men avoid meeting his eyes for fear of his gun. Upon returning to a town where he once knew a brief happiness, Miguel is persuaded by a street vendor to make a foolish holiday purchase; two scarlet ribbons.

When Catalina, his former lover, allows him to take a room at her boarding house, Miguel soon discovers a secret. Realizing that he needs the scarlet ribbons after all, he is stunned to find them missing.

Can a meeting with a mysterious priest and the miracle of the Scarlet Ribbons set Miguel on a new path?