Winter Delight – Snow!

One winter delight I look forward to every year is snow. There’s something relaxing about sitting on the couch with a hot mug of coffee as snow falls down outside. I especially enjoy the large, intricate snow flakes. They tend to dance down from the sky. Now, the little pellets of snow are not my favorite. They usually come with a storm, and they make the roads slippery. Yuck.

The best is when I wake up and our backyard is covered in a white blanket and snow drips like frosting from the trees. So pretty!

Several years ago, we had a major winter storm. It was one where more snow accumulated each day. We’d shovel the drive. Then the county snow plow would leave a foot of snow and chunks of ice at the end of the drive. We’d shovel again. And repeat the process. I did NOT enjoy that snow experience. It lasted over a week. Here’s a picture of our mailbox from that storm.

Several feet of snow piled around a mailbox

Yes, too much snow can be a problem, but for the most part, I love the white stuff. I don’t even mind shoveling the driveway as long as it’s not too deep.

Winter Delight – Snow!

I recently read an article in the Cowboy State Daily, “What the Heck…Are Those Giant Snowballs that Seem to Roll Themselves?” by Greg Johnson (apologies for the slang in the article’s title). Intrigued, I checked out the photos (click on the above link to see them). Some of those snowballs look like rolled bales of hay. Apparently, the conditions have to be just right for them to form.

  • The surface must be wet, loose and relatively thin.
  • The layer below must be dry snow or ice that will detach easily from the top layer.
  • The wind has to be strong enough to move the roller, but not so strong to break it up.
  • It helps to be on a slope so the roller can be moved along by momentum.
Source ~ “What the Heck…Are Those Giant Snowballs that Seem to Roll Themselves?” by Greg Johnson via Cowboy State Daily

Have you ever seen a giant snowball that seemed to roll itself? I haven’t!

I always chuckle when a movie or commercial features people making snowmen, and it’s obvious these people have never made one in real life. When someone’s casually carrying a massive snowball like it weighs less than a pizza, I shake my head. Large snowballs are heavy–really heavy. It takes muscles to pick one up and plant it on another snowball to form a snowman. And they’re rarely perfectly round. Sometimes they have a little grass or dirt stuck in them. All part of the charm.

Before I wrap this up, I thought you’d like this picture. We had an ice storm years ago, and this tree bore the brunt of it in our backyard. We were blessed the ice didn’t break any of the branches. You can see how overcast and gray the sky was, too. Typical January day in Northwest Ohio.

Ice covered tree branch

I try to enjoy winter as much as possible. By March, though, I’m pretty much over it. I just want to burn my winter coat and feel the warmth of the sun on my bare arms. But for now? I’ll revel in the winter delight of snow.

Do you have snow where you live? Do you like snow? Why or why not?

Enjoy your day!

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Jill Kemerer is a Publishers Weekly bestselling author of heartwarming, emotional, small-town romance novels often featuring cowboys. Her essentials include coffee, caramels, a stack of books and long walks outdoors in Ohio where she resides with her husband.

43 thoughts on “Winter Delight – Snow!”

  1. Love snow days. It snowed twice yesterday–storm wrapped around on itself. Let my husband and college kid shovel. It was a relaxing day.

    I haven’t seen those snowballs, but I have made a snowman.

  2. Love snow but got less than an inch from the major storm. Broke up before it even hit hard here. Atleast it wasn’t freezing rain. Saw video in missouri what a mess.

  3. I grew up where it snowed, and I enjoyed it. Moved to the south and really haven’t missed it. I love the fact that no two snowflakes are the same it reminds me that we are all unique.

  4. It snowed yesterday, so enjoying a few extra days of Christmas vacation before my family all go back to work.
    The only thing I like about snow is snow days that allow my husband an extra day off.

  5. Here in Central TX we seldom get snow.
    Love watching it fall. Not a fan of heavy snow, arthritis doesn’t agree wirh it.

  6. I am over winter already. We have snow and ice everywhere and I don’t care for it at all. We went out yesterday and cleared off the cars and shoveled the driveway and guess what the cars are covered again this morning. I also don’t like the cold that comes with the snow. I am so ready for spring right now.

  7. The first snow here in Wyoming is great, so is snow for Christmas but then as the snow drags on for months it gets really old. Having to feed and too often calve in snow, with well below freezing temperatures, it becomes more than a chore. Heavy wet snow and an icy mix tend to make life difficult.

  8. I lived in Connecticut and we got lots of snow. I love seeing it before the plows come through. Now I live in Florida but wish I was elsewhere.

  9. I’m a native Floridian and have never seen snow. I’ve been to visit friends twice in Amarillo, TX, and both times they had no snow at Christmas. The closest I’ve gotten was when I was in second or third grade and there was snow in NW GA. By the time we got there, it was all slush. So, that wasn’t as much fun! Someday, maybe, I’ll get to see snow!

  10. We used to get more snow, the last few years not as much. I think snow is pretty, but I wish it could stay off the roads. We didn’t have a white Christmas this year and I live in southern central Michigan.

  11. Good morning, Jill. Well, since I am in southern Kentucky, we have been having, rain, turned to ice, turned to snow (beautiful big flakes for about 5-10 minutes) then sleet. So, needless to say, we did not venture out yesterday and our garbage man never showed up either. Today the streets are dry, but it is terribly cold. More snow is promised for tomorrow and brutal temperatures. Yes, I love to watch those big fat fluffy flakes falling, from inside my house where I am cuddled up and very warm. I grew up in Iowa, so I am more than used to snow and ice for months on end. Burr. Well Kentucky is not much different in temps most of the time.

  12. Good morning, no , no snow here in West Texas yet, but they are calling for some snow tomorrow(Wednesday ), we shall see. I do like snow, but I prefer it on Christmas, but only for a day or 2. Have a great day.

  13. We only got about 4 inches from the storm that swept through yesterday. I would have loved to have way more because I LOVE SNOW. 🙂 Love the beauty of it and the reminder of how the Lord makes our hearts white as snow when we ask Him to forgive us.

  14. We haven’t had any snow yet but supposed to get some Friday I like snow but don’t like to drive in it.

  15. I AM NOT A SNOW FAN! LOL My kids, now grown, love it and my husband, but I never have. Not only is it too cold, it is also too messy. When our kids were young, I would wrap them in many layers, bundle them in heavy coats and put plastic bags over their shoes to keep them as warm and dry as possible. We live in East Central Alabama so don’t get much snow. We lived in Georgia when they were 7 and 3 and we got a heavy snow. My husband built a sled and our friends had a 4 wheel drive vehicle. They also had 2 children. We all went riding in their four wheeler and would take turns being pulled behind it on the sled. That was a lot of fun. No one else was on the streets so it was safe. Fond memories.

  16. We are in west central Indiana and got 9-12 inches on Sunday/Monday and it is too fluffy for a good snowman. love it and need the cold and snow to add to our water supply = but not a fan of the mud 2 dogs can get into when it melts!

  17. 9 inches worth!! I enjoyed it as a kid and now that I am retired and don’t have to go to work and have a great neighbor with a snowplow on his atv and always! Always comes oner and does our drive…. it’sok. But I am ready for spring!!

  18. I grew up in the foothills of the Adirondacks and love snow, most of the time. Have to have snow to ski and toboggan. We have only had skiffs of snow so far this winter here in Central Washington but fortunately there is snow in the mountains to replenish the water supply for next summer’s irrigation season.

  19. I grew upon the Canadian border in NE New York, so yes, we had snow….and ice storms, although those can crop up almost anywhere. From there we went to Northern Maine, on the border again, and wicked cold and snow. Then to Colorado, more snow, but the best type of winter. You may get 2 feet, but a week later it is 70 degrees and has all evaporated. None of that dirty, slushy mess of spring snow melt you get elsewhere. Sacramento, California had no snow, but you could drive to it if you needed. Then to Washington, DC. They do get snow, but what a mess when they do. We now live in NE TN and do get snow, occasional ice, and cold. This past week we got not much more than a dusting and in the mountains not far from us they got 5 or 6 inches. We used to get more when we moved her in the 90’s but global warming is making the snows fewer and not as deep. Over the years, we have been caught on the road in ice storms and blizzards. It is an adventure, but not one I’d like to repeat. We are at the age and time of our life, that sitting and watching the snow is fine and there is no place we must be that requires us to head out in a storm. We did that too many times in the past. No more trudging a quarter mile through the snow with a 2 month old when it is 55 below zero in Maine, or having to travel through Canada right after a terrible ice storm, with a one month old. An 8 hour trip took 13 hours. That was after driving the Mass Turnpike and wondering why there were no other cars. Turns out they closed it right after we got on due to a storm. When we moved from NY to CO, we got caught in a blizzard crossing Iowa. 100 below with wind chill, nothing moved for almost 4 days. We got the last motel room. It never got above 55 in the room, and the snow blew in around the door. We had to hold the dog when she needed to go out because her feet would have flash frozen to the ground. I had all my house plants and 8 cases of canning jars full of canned vegetables. All that, the dog, cat, and 2 young daughters needed to be moved into the room. What do our girls remember? The ice cream they got with every meal at the greasy spoon cafe attached to the motel (the only place to eat. 90 miles away in Omaha, Nebraska, where we were to visit friends, they didn’t get any snow and couldn’t understand why we were so late getting there. I am glad we had regular snow when the kids were little. The snow forts, ice rinks & skating, snowmen and ice fishing on the lake were all wonderful experiences for them.
    Thanks for triggering a walk down memory lane.

  20. I’ve lived in Southern California my whole life, the brown desert part.??? dont know what it’s like to live where it snows, don’t have the clothing(gear) for snow. We wear t shirts n sandals here. Although right now, it’s sunny 70 degrees n we tend to put sweaters on?? it’s too complicated to move to a whole another city/town.

  21. I live in Toledo Ohio area (northern border of Ohio and Michigan). We either get a lot of snow or under 1 feet for the season. I could do with snow dusting on Christmas morning and then nothing for the season.
    Growing up and until the end of last year, so 57 years, my Mom delivered newspapers in the middle of the night in mostly rural areas. You don’t have much lighting to see where your roads are much less her paper boxes. During the Blizzard of 1978, she ended up driving nose of the car deep into the snow that had piled up on a main road. Luckily, the farmers watched for her and right there was a farmhouse with one such farmer. Mom saw the barn lights go on and a tractor stated up. He pulled her out of the snowdrift and she came straight home without finishing the paper! That same blizzard had left many feet of snow and the plows were leaving much of it in huge piles on the corners of intersections. Well, Mom and my baby sister were at the intersection by our house and had to pull out far enough to see around the pile and were struck and rolled on top of by a snowplow!
    Mom is now retired finally but my boyfriend gets up in the middle of the night to head to work. My son is one of the managers at an assisted living facility and when on call, he may need to go in in the middle of the night. So I still have loved ones out there in the dark on these snowy/icy roads in winter.
    So, I hate the snow!

  22. Yes, we do have snow here in Waterloo, Ohio and I love seeing the snow because it helps our vegetable garden in the Spring, and it is pretty, but I don’t like the ice under the snow it makes it bad to travel on! and I have made a snowman before! Stary Warm and Safe everyone !

  23. I like a white Christmas, but then the snow can stay gone. If it could stay off the roads it wouldn’t be bad, but I absolutely hate driving on slippery roads.

  24. Well usually we do get snow in Connecticut, but this yr. Just a dusting from yesterday storm. It been very cold that is for sure. Love the look of snow when it first fall when its fluffy and white, look so beautiful.

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