Thank you so much to the fillies of Petticoat and Pistols for hosting me today during the month of my tenth Harlequin Heartwarming release, The Triplets’ Holiday Miracle.
Little did I know when I visited Denver for a writing conference in July 2018 how much that visit to Colorado would impact my life. Not only did I love walking around beautiful downtown Denver where I snapped that picture of the Paramount, a historic theater, but I also introduced myself to my editor, who requested my work in progress, which became my first published book. Now, I’m celebrating my latest release, which is set in the fictional town of Violet Ridge, Colorado, where a special production of The Santa Who Forgot Christmas is about to take place at the Holly Theater.
Colorado itself is home to quite a few historic theaters, many of which served as an inspiration for the Holly. The Boulder Theater in Boulder, CO, opened in 1906 as the Curran Opera House and is renowned for its Art Deco style. The Sands Theater in Brush, CO, has operated continuously since 1916. And the Egyptian Theater in Delta, CO, is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. There are just a few of the amazing theaters in the state, many of which are now home to live performances and events.
Personally I love attending plays or watching classic movies in historic theaters. Near my home in Georgia, there is the historic Strand Theater where I have taken my twins and their friends to viewings of My Fair Lady, Singin’ in the Rain, and The Princess Bride. There’s something about walking inside a historic theater and seeing the architecture and artistic details in the crown molding and ceilings.
In my new release, Daisy Stanley is the mother of triplets, who have all received roles in the play set to take place on Christmas Eve. While Daisy wants to do her best to ensure her children have a memorable Christmas, she wasn’t expecting to have to spend so much time volunteering at the Holly Theater, let alone meet and spend time with former air force officer Ben Irwin. After the play’s director is called away on a family emergency, Ben and Daisy find themselves at the helm of the production. Working in such close proximity, they find themselves at odds about nearly everything. Yet they find their paths keep crossing and discover they may have more in common than they first thought, including families who own ranch land since Ben grew up on the Double I Ranch and Daisy’s family owns the Lazy River Dude Ranch.
Little did I know when I first visited Denver and passed the Paramount that I would be incorporating a historic Colorado theater into a future book, but I had so much fun writing The Triplets’ Holiday Miracle and mulling over the details of the Holly Theater. I hope you have a very Merry Christmas!
Have you ever visited a historic theater for a play, movie, or concert? Or even for a backstage tour? Please leave a comment and one randomly drawn respondent will receive a digital copy of The Triplets’ Holiday Miracle and a $5.00 Amazon gift card.
Award-winning author, Tanya Agler lives in Georgia with her husband, four children, and two dogs (including Linus the Beagle). Moving often in her childhood, she connected with stories with spunky heroines like Trixie Belden and Anne Shirley. Now she writes books that center around the themes of hope and redemption. She is a member of Georgia Romance Writers, Novelists, Inc., and FHL Christian Writers. When she’s not writing, chauffeuring her children, or folding laundry, Tanya loves classic movies (preferably anything with Cary Grant or Jimmy Stewart), waterfalls, and enjoying a cup of tea alongside a good book.
I’ve been to several for plays and shows, and I had a backstage tour of Radio City Music Hall in high school.
Wow! How awesome to have gone backstage of Radio City Music Hall! That is definitely a memorable tour and sounds like so much fun!
It was, because you actually get to go under the stage and see the hydraulics and everything, at least you could in the 80s. We didn’t get to see a Rockettes show–we were seeing a Broadway show later that day–but it was amazing.
That is so cool! I passed by Radio City Music Hall during my last visit to NYC, but I was attending a writing conference. And Broadway? I love plays. What a fun visit for you with special memories!
When my husband and I were dating we used to drive 45 minutes to the College Park campus of the U. of MD to see film series in their beautiful, full size theatre. After we married we moved to CA; I don’t know if that building still exists.
How fun that you and your husband saw some wonderful film series at the University of Maryland. My husband and I met in college and attended many wonderful movies at the Tate Center at the University of Georgia! Merry Christmas!
When I lived in Indiana, PA I loved going with my friend on a Sunday afternoon to view old movies that had Jimmy Stewart staring in it … the Jimmy Stewart museum was a nice way to spend the afternoon with a girlfriend.
I love Jimmy Stewart movies! I have an Indiana, PA story! When I was in high school, my parents and I visited Pittsburgh, PA, and I made them drive to Indiana. At the time there was only a statue of Jimmy Stewart there although we did talk to several of the town’s residents. Now there’s a museum there, and I want to visit it so much!! Thanks for the recommendation about the museum because now I know it’s worth it!
The wonderful Majestic Theater in Gettysburg, PA, which opened in 1925, still functions as a concert venue, as well as hosting movies, plays, and other performances. My husband and I recently discovered the lovingly restored Masonic Theatre and Amphitheatre in Clifton Forge, Va., which originally opened in 1906 and was being prepared, by the bride’s family, for her wedding the next day, when we visited. I agree, attending vintage theaters is a real treat!
Wow! What wonderful stories about vintage theaters! I love both of those stories! That’s such a sweet story about the Masonic Theater. I love it! Merry Christmas.
No i don’t believe I have but that would be really awesome to have as an experience.
I hope you have a chance to visit one someday. I know the Strand Theater is close by me, and I love taking my twins to see movies there. Merry Christmas, Joannie!
Perry’s Egyptian theater in ogden utah. Use to be an old movie theater than they turned it into a small play theater. Outside and inside is amazing.
That’s sounds like a wonderful venue for great events! I love hearing about places like Perry’s Egyptian Theater. Merry Christmas, Kim!
No, I have not, but that looks very impressive. Thank you for the giveaway!
Hi, Bridgette! I hope you get to visit a historic theater sometime in the future! Merry Christmas!
No, never but would love to do so one day!
Hi! I hope you get the chance to visit one someday! Merry Christmas!
I’ve been to the Memorial auditorium in burlington vt to see a concert before. It was built in 1927 does this count as historical.
Wow! 1927 absolutely counts as historical! The Memorial Auditorium sounds like it would be a great place for a concert! Hope it was lots of fun! Merry Christmas, Charlene!
I visit the King Opera House in Van Buren, Arkansas, on a regular basis for shows, most recently for the live production of Six The Musical: Teen Version by local actresses. The building was constructed in 1891 and turned into an opera house in 1901. It’s been through several renovations and is about to undergo another one soon. It’s also supposed to be haunted by the ghost of an actor who was murdered by the town doctor to prevent him from eloping with the doctor’s daughter! Several people I know have had ghostly encounters there while working on different productions.
Wow! That sounds like an amazing place to visit! What a wonderful historical backdrop. Thank you so much for sharing that story! It’s giving me goose bumps! Merry Christmas, Kim.
So fun to have you here with us, Tanya. We actualy have a historic Paramount theater where I live. I adore it! They used to show classic old movies there when I was a student. They still do on occasion, but they also host live stage productions. It was built in 1930, so not quite as old as the one in Denver, but it definitely has that Old Hollywood glam factor. There’s even a balcony and twinkling stars built into the ceiling. 🙂
Hi, Karen! The Paramount sounds amazing! I especially love theaters with balconies as those make the theater feel a little different and unique from modern theaters. The historic Paramount near you sounds a little like the Fox Theater in Atlanta, which is relatively close to me. And I love stories about Old Hollywood as I love classic movies. Thank you so much to you and everyone at Petticoats and Pistols for allowing me to be the guest blogger today!
Merry Christmas, Karen!
Yes, when we were younger, my mom took my sister and I to go see Annie at the Fox Theatre in Atlanta. It’s a beautiful theater! We’ve been to a few other plays in other theaters, but the Fox really stands out in my mind. 🙂
Hi, Bridget! I live in metro Atlanta and my high school’s prom occurred at the Fox. I’ve also seen productions of The Sound of Music (with Richard Chamberlain) and The King and I (with Hayley Mills) among others there. I love the Fox!
Merry Christmas.
I have watched a production in a restored 1800’s era opera house in an interesting town that is a nice drive from my home. The town overall has a number of historic buildings, cute shops, and eateries around the old courthouse square.
Hello, Catherine! A restored opera house sounds fascinating! What a fun venue to watch a production. The town sounds like it would be a great place to spend a nice day.
Merry Christmas!
No I don’t think I have visited one but I think it would be awesome to. We have a lot of historical places around here but I usually don’t visit them.
Hello! I hope you get a chance to visit a historical theater someday. I think they’re lots of fun!
Merry Christmas!
I’ve been to the Fox Theater in Atlanta, GA. It was absolutely beautiful!
Hi, Sabrina!
I love the name Sabrina, and it was the heroine’s name in my 2023 Christmas book.
I live in metro Atlanta so I love the Fox. I’ve seen several productions there and it is gorgeous!
Merry Christmas, Sabrina!
I have been to a concert in a very old hall in Torrington CT. It was amazing, but it is aging.
Hi, Debra! It’s always a joy to attend a concert, and it sounds like the setting made that one extra memorable. Perhaps someone will step in and help restore the hall soon.
Merry Christmas!
A long time ago, I visited The Birdcage Theatre in old Tombstone, AZ.
At that time, one could enter the building and walk around the floor and stage area. I think it is closed to the public now because of it’s age. It was fascinating and very interesting to see.
Hi, Joye! I love the name of that theater: the Birdcage. It sounds like it was a very special place. Glad you were able to tour it. Thanks for stopping by!
Merry Christmas!
The most historic theater I’ve visited is the Ford Theater where Lincoln was shot. They weren’t having a performance, but I toured it with a guide.
Hi, Janice, That theater is definitely steeped in history. I didn’t know they conducted tours there. Thank you for the insight.
Merry Christmas.
Many years ago I got to see My Fair Lady at the Drury Lane theatre in London. It was spectacular.
Dear Jackie,
Wow! The Drury Lane Theater! London is a city I very much want to visit someday, and seeing a play there would be extra special. And My Fair Lady?! That’s one of my favorite plays and movies. Thanks for sharing!
Merry Christmas!
I saw Les Miserable in NYC around 30 years ago.
Dear Colleen,
Wow! Another amazing play! That one is a favorite of so many! Thanks for sharing!
Merry Christmas!
I’ve been to the Springer Opera House in Columbus, GA several times. We go see a Christmas play every year. This year it’s “A Christmas Story”. I’m lucky to live in the same town.
The Springer Opera House was built in 1871 and is a National Historic Landmark. it is the State Theater of Georgia and produces thirteen shows annually.
Hi, Bonnie!
One of my best friends is from the Columbus, GA, area. I’ll ask him about the Springer Opera House! It sounds wonderful. I live in GA, and Columbus isn’t too far away. I’ll have to plan a day trip there soon.
Merry Christmas!
Welcome today. We visited one in Elgin, Illinois and one in Chicago, Illinois. They were fun and seeing all the old molding etc was sooooo cool.
Hi, Lori! I just visited Chicago and Glyn Ellen, Illinois and had so much fun there! What a beautiful area. Wow! Those both sound like special times, and I love the crown molding in historic theaters. Thanks for commenting!
Merry Christmas!
Congratulations on your new release! Yes I have I have gone to concerts in one and it is Awesome! Have a great day and a great weekend.
Hi, Alicia! Thank you so much for the sweet comment. And concerts are such a fun event to see in a small venue like a theater. I hope you have a great weekend as well!
Merry Christmas!
no, but would be fun
Hi! I hope you get a chance to visit one someday. I always find my visits to historic places enjoyable!
Merry Christmas!
No But I know it would be fun! Merry Christmas
Hi, Sarah,
Merry Christmas!
I have not but would love to some day. Thank you for the chance to win a prize.
Hi, Vickie,
I hope you get the chance some day!
Merry Christmas!
There’s a historical theater in the town where my parents live, and I’ve visited it a few times. It’s a pretty place and has mostly been kept up over the years.
Hi, Megan,
That sounds like a double win – getting to see your parents and having fun at the historical theater.
Merry Christmas!
I went to Heinze Hall to see the Nutcracker and it was the best an awesome sight to see I recommend it but unfortunately with Life’s curveballs I haven’t been able to go back
Hi, Crystal,
Hope this coming year is better!
And that sounds awesome about the Nutcracker. That is such a great treat at the holidays.
Merry Christmas!
Thank you so much to the great hosts of Petticoats and Pistols for having me as a guest blogger today!
Growing up in NYC I remember being excited about going to Radio City Music Hall to see the Rockettes perform. I was truly dazzled!
Hi, Cherie!
That definitely sounds amazing and memorable. What a wonderful day!
Merry Christmas!
We have attended performances in several historic theaters. In Southern Virginia we have attended at the Paramount Theater and the Barter Theater. When we travel, we will go to historic theaters when we can. Most recently, the restored Jackson Theater in Jonesborough, TN (the oldest town in TN.), reopened the weekend of Nov. 15. It was built in the 1920’s and closed in the 1960’s and became an office complex. In 2015, the city acquired it and began finding grants, etc. to restore it. The interior had to be completely gutted, the floor re-slanted, and the stage and lighting rebuilt. They gave tours opening weekend and have had musical performances and movies since, and the local Jonesborough Repertory Theatre has a small theater to the side and back of the Jackson. Hopefully they will be moving many of their productions to the much larger and more comfortable Jackson.
Hi, Patricia!
That sounds fascinating! That is so wonderful that they were able to restore the Jackson so more generations will be able to enjoy productions and events there. And the Paramount and Barter sound like wonderful places to see as well.
Merry Christmas!
I went to college in tiffin Ohio. They have a wonderful old theater called The Ritz. Been to many concerts and plays there
No, I haven’t visited any historic theater. Merry Christmas!