It’s always a special treat when my birthday falls on Memorial Day as it did this year. Not only do I get a day off of work (the day job, anyway) but I also get to spend extra time with my family. But my husband surprised me a couple days early with a romantic cowboy gesture on the Friday night before.
First, he showed up at my office unannounced and kidnapped me from work an hour early. He brought me a change of clothes, including my cowgirl boots, then showed me his own footwear. He’d bought HIMSELF a pair of cowboy boots that afternoon just for the occasion. He hasn’t worn boots ince high school, so this was a big deal. He wore Wrangler jeans, boots, a button-down shirt, eveything but the hat. It was as if he’d walked out of the pages of one of my books!
Then he took me on a 90+ minute drive through the country (we saw wildflowers, longhorn cattle, herefords, deer, and sheep) to a ranch outside of Graham, TX called Wildcatter Ranch. They have a steakhouse there with beautiful hilltop views.
We had a scrumptious dinner next to a large set of windows looking out over this porch and the wooded hills below. So lovely! They served cheesy southern biscuits with a honey glaze for an appetizer, which were scrumptious! I had trout with glazed carrots and salad and Wes had a half-rack of ribs with a baked potato and salad. My fish was good, but when he let me sample the ribs, I regretted not getting some for myself. They were literaly melt-in-your-mouth tender and delicious.
After dinner, we walked around the grounds, and took lots of pictures.
One of my favorites was when we sat in a pair of rockers on the back porch of the Wildcatter Hotel and snapped a photo of our boots.
Then in true Texas style, we stopped at a Dairy Queen in Breckenridge,TX on the way home for a Blizzard. Ha!
It was a wonderful western evening with my personal cowboy hero!
When was a time you received a fun surprise?
For those who love to smile as they read, bestselling author Karen Witemeyer offers warmhearted historical romance with a flair for humor, feisty heroines, and swoon-worthy Texas heroes. Karen is a firm believer in the power of happy endings. . . and ice cream. She is an avid cross-stitcher, and makes her home in Abilene, TX with her husband and three children. Learn more about Karen and her books at:
Hmmm, my husband bought me the first ereader made for my birthday.
A man who knows how to make his reading lady happy is a keeper for sure. 🙂
My husband brought me flowers ‘just because’. That made my day.
Those “I was thinkng of you” moments are so precious. No special occasion required. Which, ironically, is what makes them special. 🙂
For Christmas in 2019, my wonderful husband and 6 children went together and bought my husband and I tickets to the PBR Global Cup in Dallas TX. My oldest son went the extra mile and added the Meet and Greet with the bull riders. I cried when I received it and told my granddaughter “I’m going to get my picture taken with Jess Lockwood!”, and I did. We had a great time.
How fabulous, Elaine! Sounds like a gift you will never forget. 🙂
My husband wouldn’t think to do something like that. That’s just awesome.
Mine’s not a super romantic guy on a regular basis, but every once in a while he goes above and beyond and really knocks it out of the park. 🙂
Happy Birthday!
I can’t think of the last time I got a surprise.
Thanks for the birthday wishes, Denise. 🙂
Happy birthday, Karen. My husband has bought me two dozen roses every birthday starting before we married which happened 43 years ago. It’s my second marriage so there we got a late start. He also gets me a cake, special candy and a sweet card. He’s a keeper.
What a sweet man! Love that dedication and tradition. Definitely a keeper. 🙂
What a fun way to celebrate your birthday. You’ve got a true keeper with your sweet hubby!
Thanks, Shanna. I am truly blessed!
Happy Birthday. That was so very special of your husband. I love it when our hubbies think of something special that will really turn our heads. I have a man like that also. Recently mine got me an e-reader. He is an electronic engineer, I am all about paper and fabrics. LOL I wasn’t too sure about this gift. But now I cant think what I did without it. LOL quilting dash lady at comcast dot net
My husband is very techy too, and he has occasionally given me something I didn’t think I needed or would use that I later became essential. I still use the flash drive he gave me to back up my writing on when I first started this journey over 20 years ago. 🙂
What a nice time Karen! Happy Birthday! I’m trying this again! Wouldn’t go through earlier!
The sweetest thing my husband did was send my mother flowers on my birthday! The card read,”Thank you for this day 40 years ago.” Oh, I cried! And I thought that very creative for him to do! LOL
What an amazing gesture, Tracy. So thoughtful and sweet, plus he managed to make two women happy with the same gift. Genius!
The very first gift my husband surprised me with, on either my birthday, or Christmas was a dozen yellow roses, my favorite color. Most recently, (since we have been married 50 years) we have been out shopping, and he made a surprise stop at McDonald’s so I could get a Mocha Frappe. I love them but could do without the calories! Now that I think of it, he began surprising me with a very sweet and romantic 1 page letter on an anniversary and/birthday. What a heartfelt thing for him to do. Sad to say, he thought of doing this before I did. So now I reciprocate and then I keep them.
I adore the exchange of love letter anniversary idea, Judy. So glad he thought of that and it became an annual tradition. No wonder you’ve lasted 50 years. 🙂
What a great surprise! He’s a keeper, for sure.
One Christmas, several years ago, my husband surprised me with a laptop for my gift. A complete surprise. At the time, our family only had one computer (can you imagine? It was SEVERAL years ago) and he knew I would never be able to write if I was sharing a computer with him and the four children.
It wasn’t just a computer – it was his support of my very young writing career that was so special. 🙂
That support is priceless, Jan. What a blessing!
My birthday last year!! And, my gifts this year will be a surprise! I started “collecting” some Sunday, but I’m waiting to open all of them until tomorrow, so I’ll open them on the actual day!
How fun, Trudy! Happy birthday to you!
One year on Valentine’s day, my hubby surprised me with a big teddy bear and a dozen red roses.
So sweet, Barbara. 🙂
One year for my Birthday ? my Dad surprised me by giving me a snow Shovel was it a gag maybe, but it was practical since my birthday is in December.
A gift you laugh about and still use? That’s a winner. 🙂
No big surprises, just nice little ones. My husband will be out running errands and come home with a DQ Blizzard for us. I am usually plotting surprizes for him. I tried for years to get him to go to New Orleans but he wasn’t interested. After Katrina hit, I tried again, but no luck. So….I made reservations for a week’s stay there and gave it to him for a Birthday present. We had a wonderful time and have gone back twice since. He is now talking about another trip.
I’m glad you finally managed to get him there, Patricia. And even more glad that he had a great time!
It sounds fabulous. On our 25th wedding anniversary, my Mom talked us into having a large party and renewing our vows. We had reserved a place in a park. My Mom had contacted some friends who play music and sing. I had family come from Florida and Oklahoma. It was a fabulous day.
What a delightful anniversary, Debbie! Very romantic.
Karen, I’m late chiming in, but that husband of yours is a KEEPER!!!!
Yes, he is, Pam. I’m holding on tight. 🙂