Misty Beller Has a Winner!

Misty Beller is so interesting. I loved hearing about surveyors. What a dangerous job that was when they first began mapping this country.

Now for the drawing!

One commenter will win a signed copy of Pretending to be the Mountain Man’s Wife.

And the winner is………….


Woo-Hoo! We’re so happy for you, Debra! Now watch for Miss Misty’s email.

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When I'm not keepin' all these Fillies in line, I'm practicing my roping so I can catch me a cowboy. Me and Jasper (my mule) are two peas in a pod. Both of us are as crotchety as all get-out.

3 thoughts on “Misty Beller Has a Winner!”

  1. Dang it! I completely missed this. My dad was a land surveyor here in western Colorado and when he first started in our little valley, where a lot of fruit used to be grown, sometimes his beginning point, according to prior descriptions, would be a such and such-sized tree in such and such a row, sometimes using the type of fruit as a reference point. I grew up serving as his rod man many times!

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