Misty M. Beller Will Visit Friday!

Our dear friend Misty M. Beller will climb down from the saddle on Friday, January 31, 2025!

She’ll tell us about surveyors in the old west and how important they were to map out routes and towns back then. We still have surveyors today that help in road construction. But back in the 1800s it was very dangerous work. This is very interesting.

Miss Misty will also tell us about her new book and give away the previous one.

To enter her giveaway, you’ll have to leave a comment on her Friday post.

Then sit back and join the fun.

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When I'm not keepin' all these Fillies in line, I'm practicing my roping so I can catch me a cowboy. Me and Jasper (my mule) are two peas in a pod. Both of us are as crotchety as all get-out.

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