Contemporary romance author Nicole Helm is set to visit on January 24, 2025!
Miss Nicole has written a series about caves. What do you know about them? Do you like going in them or not? I don’t think it would bother me too much unless I go waaay into them. Those things are dark!
She’s also bringing a big giveaway–her entire set of Hudson Sibling Solutions! Oh man!
So come over on Friday and leave a comment to be entered in the drawing.
When I'm not keepin' all these Fillies in line, I'm practicing my roping so I can catch me a cowboy. Me and Jasper (my mule) are two peas in a pod. Both of us are as crotchety as all get-out.
Caves, went the Sea Lion Caves on northern coast.
Also, family and I traveled to Carlsbad Caverns. Down deep, so many colors.
I went to Luray Caverns a lifetime ago. They were gorgeous but what I recall most is the constant, cool temperature (it was summertime and hot/humid above ground).
I don’t mind caves and have been in several. However, going deeply into an unlit cave or one that is really narrow are not something I would like to do often.
I went through the cave at Silver Dollar City many years ago. It was pretty but not a big fan of caves.
I have never been in a cave, much less seen one. I don’t think I’d like them, too dark and scary for me,
There is a large cave near where we live and one I always heard about from my mother. She grew up near it and went in it often. It was originally used during the Civil War to make gun powder from the potassium nitrate in the cave. They also used bat droppings for fertilizer. It has changed hands through the years and is now so commercialized it looks nothing like it did originally. They even ran pipes in to make a waterfall. Very disappointing. I have also been in a cave in Missouri. It was featured in some of Mark Twain’s books, not sure which. It was not claustrophobic and was very interesting. Don’t think I could go in one that was small.
Yes I have gone into caves, I have gone to the Carlsbad Caverns , another one that is about 2 hours away from where we live and another in Austin Texas. They are very interesting , we also went into one where we had to crawl in places, very interesting. Looking forward to tomorrow when Nicole Helm will be here. Have a good rest of the day.