The Adventures of Laughter, the Tame Wolf, Plus an e-book Giveaway

Howdy! Howdy!

Here’s hoping your holiday was bright and cheerful and that Santa brought you everything you wanted.

Well, I am currently at work on the story of First Rider and Liliann and am about (a little short) of 2/3’s done with the book.

However, in the meantime, I have two sales occurring, both books priced at $.99 cents.  The first one is SHE STEALS MY BREATH:

The other book on sale is: PROUD WOLF’S WOMAN
This book, Proud Wolf’s Woman, does not go on sale very often.  Also, because I’m an Indie and the book is on other platforms, it can’t be in Kindle Unlimited — and so this is a good sale, I think.
Here are their covers:  She Steals My Breath
And Proud Wolf’s Woman
I’d also like to say that my heart goes out to all those who have been adversely affected in California by the fires and also in North Carolina.
If you have been adversely affected by the fires or the hurricane, please leave me a message here on the blog and I will give you a free book of mine — of your choice.
Well, onward we go with the story of Laughter the Tame Wolf.  This story comes from the book WHY GONE THOSE TIMES, Blackfeet Tales by James Willard Schultz as told to him by Red Eagle, who was an old man then in February 1878.
When Red Eagle was a young man, his close friend was Nitaina, known as Lone Chief.  Well, one day, when they were out on the hunt they came upon a flooded lake.  Sometimes the ice from the mountains breaks loose in the early spring and floods the rivers and lakes.
The two of them saw a couple of wolves on an island who were pacing back and forth and the two men knew they had some pups nearby.  Determined to find the pups and kill them, the two waded out to the island only to see one, lone wolf pup scared and shaking who was still alive.  His brothers and sisters had not survived the flood.  And so Nitaina decided to take the pup and make a pet of it.  Red Eagle made no objections, and so the wolf pup came hom with them.
Before the pup was a year old he had come to love the man who had saved him and he would often put his paws on Nitaina’s shoulders and grin at him, thus his name, Laughter.  Laughter was afraid of the camp dogs and left them alone.  But one dog had the nerve to fight with Laughter and result was that the other dog lost the fight.  From then on the dogs left Laughter alone.
Laughter didn’t bark.  Nor did he howl in camp.  But, he would listen to the howling of the wolfs each night and often bothered Nataina to take him to his own kind.  But Nataina would tell him to lie down and pup would obey.
Well, unlike dogs, Laughter was a very good hunter and the first time he made a kill for meat, he was so excited he kept jumping up on Natiana and grinning.  Lone Chief one day joined a war party, but was denied going with the others because they knew the wolf would follow.  But, what none of the knew was that, unlike a dog who announces your position with barking — saying here we are, here we are, we’ve come to steal your horses — Laughter proved to be as excellent in the war trail as a trained warrior.  He didn’t howl.  Instead, he alerted the entire war party when danger was near.
Well, as was bound to happen, after they had gone on many adventures together, Laughter began to absent himself from time to time, each time staying away longer and longer until, at last, he came to the camp no more.  Natiaina and Red Eagle saw the wolf one last time when they were out hunting on the plains.  In the distance were two wolves watching Red Ealge and Natiaina.  As they neared the two wolves, one trotted down to meet them.  It was Laughter.  Oh, how wonderful was the reunion and Natiaina got back on his horse and ordered Laughter to follow.  But, Laughter would not follow.  They saw in the distance that Laughter was dancing around his wife, trying to get her to come with him with Natiaina, but his wife would not go.  At last, howling his misery, Laughter stayed with his wife.
Though he loved Natiaina, he loved his wife more.  Schultz ends the story, saying, “The call of kind to kind is stronger than any other love.”
I hope you have enjoyed the blog today.  Please come on in and leave a comment.  I’ll be giving away one of these e-books to some lucky blogger!
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KAREN KAY aka GEN BAILEY is the multi-published author of American Indian Historical Romances. She has written for such prestigious publishers as AVON/HarperCollins, Berkley/Penguin/Putnam and Samhain Publishing. KAREN KAY’S great grandmother was Choctaw Indian and Kay is honored to be able to write about the American Indian Culture.
Please refer to for all contest rules.

28 thoughts on “The Adventures of Laughter, the Tame Wolf, Plus an e-book Giveaway”

    • Hi Denise! Is it the Wolf Full Moon? Tonight? I’ll look for it tonight. Thank you so much for your post. Hope your holiday was everything you wanted it to be. : )

    • Yes. I love how he fit right in with these people’s lives. He actually saved the lives of the man telling the story and his friend several times when they were on raids. Amazing pet.

  1. I loved Laughter’s story, just proves that no matter if you are human or animal, Love ? wins over everything and everyone. Thanks for sharing this story Kay. ? Love You, Starr

    • Hi Starr! Golly, you are so right. They had many adventures that I didn’t have to room to share, where Laughter literally saved their lives. Funny how he loved the adventures as much as the m;en. Love you, too!

    • Hi Bonnie!

      Yes, it was the inspiration for a wolf in at least two of my stories. One was WOLF SHADOW’S PROMISE, where the wolf has many adventures with his human friend. And SHE STEALS MY BREATH, also. Thanks for your comment.

  2. That was a beautiful tale about Laughter. The call to mate is too strong to ignore for most animals and a good bit of humans. Your books are always entertaining to me, Karen. Reading your books is like a history lesson to me. May your year be blessed and you find peace.

    • Hi Judy!

      Wonderful to hear from you and your comment goes straight to my heart. Yes, love makes life worth living, indeed. Thank you for your graciousness and kindness with your words. It goes straight to my heart and starts the day out so much better. I wish you the same. Have a blessed year and one with love, happiness and peace.

  3. Hi Carrie!

    Wow! Thank you so much. I have plans for book #2 in the Adventures of Good Eagle and Miss Starling. Am working on one of my long historical novels momentarily, but when finished, I want to pick up with these two again(who are now friends), and continue their story. Nice to meet you.

  4. Good afternoon Kay, I loved this story of Laughter, he was very loyal to the guy that saved him. What an
    awesome pet he was, but love came about , just like when we are called by love and leave our homes growing up and have our own little families. Thank you for sharing this beautiful story. I love your book covers and I love the sound of your books, I have loved the books by you that I have read,Thank you. Have a Great day and a great rest of the week. (not entering this ebook giveaway, but Thank you. I am not tech savvy at all.

    • Hi Alicia,

      Thank you very much for your kindness and your words. Can’t tell you how much this aid an author in her writing. You are not the only one who is no techy. I am not either. I still prefer written letters to email, but we no longer live in an age where this is very prevalent. No worries. Thanks so much for your post.

  5. Thank you for sharing the story about Laughter. I love your book covers . I hope you have a blessed year.

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