Louise Gouge is Coming Friday!

Miss Louise Gouge is returning for a visit on Friday, January 10, 2025!

Miss Louise is going to tell us about a new series she’s excited about. It sounds like a whole lot of fun. Her blog post is about faithful animal companions so be thinking about that. Is yours a dog, a cat, a horse, or something else? And you may have more than one.

She’s also going to give away a new book, A Faithful Companion!

We hope you’ll pop over on Friday to welcome Miss Louise back and to say howdy. We missed you over the break. Each one of you brings so much joy to our lives. Thank you.

That’s it. Remember Friday!


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When I'm not keepin' all these Fillies in line, I'm practicing my roping so I can catch me a cowboy. Me and Jasper (my mule) are two peas in a pod. Both of us are as crotchety as all get-out.

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