Trick or Treat with P&P

Game Day!

Let’s go trick-or-treating for cowboy goodies!

Who says dress-up is just for kids? Costumes are fun for adults, too, and here at P&P, they are especially fun if they have a western flair.

Here are some blasts from the Fillies’ pasts:

Karen Witemeyer’s son Wyatt dressed up as a famous Texas Ranger known for his solitary ways. And our dear Shanna Hatfield from her college days dressed as a feisty cowgirl.

Gotta love seeing Linda Broday and Mary Connealy in their western getups.

Travel back to the summer of 1969 for the NebraskaLand Days Parade.  Pam Crooks’s two brothers helped her dad build a telephone float and are dressed as Wyatt Earp and an Indian in front of a make-believe campfire.

And here’s Karen Kay in front of her friend’s teepee.

Now it’s your turn!

If you were to dress up like your favorite cowboy/cowgirl (real or fictional), who would you dress up as? 

Leave a comment with your answer, and you will be entered to win one of two fabulous trick or treat packages.

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129 thoughts on “Trick or Treat with P&P”

  1. I would be and have been just a cowgirl. I grew up within walking distance if the Gerry, NY rodeo and spent slot of time each week each year as a child. I always wanted to be like them.

  2. I would dress up as Jessica Harrison from the movie The Man from Snowy River. She had spunk, wealth, determination, sass, courage, and she fought for her true love. Such a great movie!

    Your pictures are adorable. I think Shanna could have played the part of Jessica Harrison!

  3. I’d dress up as Miss Kitty from Gunsmoke. She owned her own business, though it was a saloon, but she wasn’t a madame. Plus, even though she owned a saloon, she was a respected member of the town. Or, I’d dress up as Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman. She was also spunky, a business woman, and in a profession where women weren’t taken seriously.

  4. I’d have to say Annie Oakley. She could ride, shoot and was an advocate of women fighting in combat. Certainly ahead of her time.

  5. I have dressed up like a cowgirl quite often. We have done a church fundraiser for offerings in Texas that was cowboy/girl themed. I was called Anne Oakley by a couple of the people there.

  6. I’d go with Annie Oakley since I’m the same height as she was. Or… maybe I’d go rebel and dress up like Belle Starr. 😀

  7. Growing up, I watched so many cowboy movies with my Dad. Dad’s favorites soon became mine, too. We loved John Wayne and Dale Evans. I would and have before dressed up like Dale Evans. That is who I would choose. She always seem to have such a big heart and truly loved her cowboy, Roy.

  8. Sally Starr was my favorite cowgirl when I was a kid–kids’ show on Philly TV. Our Gal Sal. Have a rootin’ tootin’ time.

  9. I actually did dress up one time as an Indian princess. I guess I was Pocahontas. I had made the costume myself, even with fringe on bottom and on the sleeves. It was so cute. We did for work at Woolco. (Many years ago!) It was a fun day at work.

  10. Annie Oakley is the first one i could think if to dress up as unless you count Dr. Mike Quinn, Medicine Woman, but technically she wasn’t a cowgirl.

  11. I would dress up as Belle Starr. I found some interesting articles about her. Her real name was Myra Maybelle Shirley Reed Starr. She was fatally shot in 1889 in a case that is still officially unsolved.

  12. I dressed up as a cowgirl before! I wasn’t a specific person though. I think it would be cool to dress up as Maureen O’Hara’s character from McLintock!

  13. Many years ago when I was a young girl I had a lovely cowgirl outfit. The cowboy hat, skirt, shirt, and belt with a holster. I treasured this costume and wore it every year since I was small. It made me feel so special since no one else dressed up as a cowgirl. I was Dale Evans and when I watched the show I was there.

  14. Howdy! Loved the pictures! I was a tomboy, so I was always Clint Eastwood with the poncho and our cap guns! I didn’t want to be a “girlie” in those days! No sissy business for me! LOL

  15. I would dress up as Elsa from the movie 1883 – the Yellowstone Prequel. That is such a Great movie, I loved it. Thank you for the chance.

  16. I have dressed up as a cowgirl for Halloween when I was younger. 🙂 But if I were to do it now, I’d look through my books and find my favorite cowgirl on the cover then try to emulate her outfit. I think that would be fun! 🙂

  17. Just a plain, simple cowgirl, since I’ve never really ridden a horse! Though I do love Dale Evans!

  18. I would be Annie Oakley because I have a memory of my grandfather teaching me how to shoot when I was younger. When I hit the bull’s eye he called me Annie Oakley 🙂

  19. I would dress up as Calamity Jane, because I love dressing up in western outfits. I dressed up as a cowgirl for several years at work and it was so much fun. Especially since they would tell me that the outfit matched my sassy attitude 🙂

    But I would also like to dress up as Sacagawea. I would dress up as an Indian girl for our city’s Ramona Pageant. My mom made me the outfit and every year I was nominated for it. 🙂

  20. I would dress up as Dally from Shanna Hatfield’s Pendleton series, a cowgirl at heart and great with horses too!

  21. Just went to the Pawnee Bill museum today and saw pictures of OG cowgirls from the late 1880’s! Imagine being one of them!

  22. I would dress as Molly Goodnight. She was the wife of cattle baron Charles Goodnight. She was known for her kindness and charitable works and with her husband drove a herd of cattle to establish the famous JA Ranch in the Palo Duro Canyon
    I think the women in the background of history should get more recognition.

    • One of these days, I would like to travel there and tour the Goodnight ranch house. I mentioned Charles Goodnight briefly in my last book – If the Boot Fits. 🙂 I agree with you about the women getting more recognition. They did extraordinary things, and it sounds like Molly was an amazing one.

  23. Happy Trails to You, I would dress up as Dale Evans. I liked the Roy Rogers show and they were a sweet couple.

  24. Annie Oakley, if I’m going old Western. If I’m going current cowgirl, Lainey Wilson or Miranda Lambert, because I love the outfits they wear, and Lainey’s bell bottom jeans are so much fun!

  25. When I think of cowboys and cowgirls, I remember “Western Wednesdays” with my Dad. He’s a huge John Wayne fan and one of his favorites is “The Quiet Man”, so I would dress as Mary Kate played by the great Maureen O’Hara!

  26. Don’t know any one specific person, but I used to ride sidesaddle in the local parade and had an authentic riding habit and hat that I wore.

  27. Annie Oakley is the first one that comes to mind… but someone else mentioned Jessica Harrison from The Man From Snowy River- and I LOVE her too!!

  28. If I was to dress up as a cowgirl, I would dress up as Annie Oakley. I was raised in the country and I can shoot a gun and hit my target. 🙂

  29. oh fun question. I would love to dress up as Annie Oakley or the lady who helped Archie in as secretary than wife in the Pinkertons.

  30. Real – Annie Oakley – trick shooting would be so fun.
    Fictional- Jolee Judson – trick riding is fascinating to watch.

  31. Pioneer woman vs cowgirl, but we have Old Fashioned Day at our church each year & it would a similar costume to Ma Ingalls:-)

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