We love to play games, and this one is special because, well, we love fillies!
Use your birthdate to discover what kind of filly you are.
Please respond with a three-part answer, and you’ll be eligible to win one of EIGHT prizes!
Grand Prize – $70 Amazon Gift Card
7 Additional $10 Amazon Gift Cards
Ready? Set? Play!
(Winners announced Thursday, August 15)
High-Steppin’ White American Paint
Happy 17th Birthday! YeeHaw @
Swayback White Morgan! Happy Birthday!
Speckled Gray Quarter Horse
Wel-mannared buckskin Morgan wishes a happy birthday.
Stubborn White Andalusian.
Happy 17th!
Out-to-pasture black Tennessee Walker
Happy Birthday!
Speckled palomino Clydesdale
Swaybacked Sorrel American Paint
Buckin Bay Morgan
Happy birthday!!
I got Speckled Bucksin Andalusian
Out to pasture bay Arabian
Untamed Sorrel Appaloosa!
Happy 17th birthday.
High-Stepping White Tennessee Walker. Happy birthday Fillies!
Out to pasture, white, American Paint
Happy 17th Birthday!!!
Placid gray Appaloosa
Happy Birthday fillies!
Purebred sorrel Arabian
Happy 17th Birthday! Miniature Sorrel Morgan
Happy Birthday!
Fiesty Palomino Andelusian
Happy 17th Birthday!!!
Thank you for the chance!!!
Untamed gray clydesdale..happy birthday
High stepping bay quarter horse
Happy Birthday!
Miniature Buckskin Mustang
Happy 17th Birthday!
Happy Birthday!
Speckled Buckin Arabian
Happy Birthday!
feisty gray appaloosa
Well-Mannered Buckskin Mustang
Purebred Palomino Appaloosa
Happy Birthday!!!! So very happy I found y’all!!
Congrats and Happy Birthday ladies!!!!
I’m a mature grey Morgan
Well mannered Chestnut Quarter Horse
I used to own one of those! Happy 17th anniversary!
Happy Blog Birthday!
A speckled black Appaloosa. ?
Placid Buckskin Mustang. Happy 17th Birthday
Stubborn Bay Morgan
Happy Birthday!!!
Untamed gray Shetland Pony! Happy birthday y’all!
I am a Feisty Palomino American Paint. 😀
miniature white Arabian
Happy 17th Birthday From a
Kate Sparks
Feisty gray Arabrian
Purebred Chestnut Tennessee Walker
Happy birthday, Fillies!!!
Buckin White Shetland Pony
Love seeing all these fabulous fillies in our corral! We’re so glad you’ve been part of our family over the years. Now, because I want to get in on the filly fun . . . I’m a Stubborn Gray Quarter Horse. Hmm, I thought I colored all those stubborn grays. 😉
Feisty Chestnut Morgan! What fun!!
Happy 17th!
swaybacked buckskin Arabian
Happy 17th…..Out-To-Pasture Dun Andalusian
Happy Birthday!
I am Buckin’ White Clydesdale.
Feisty Bay Clydesdale
Happy birthday!!!
Feisty Palomino American Paint
Happy 17th Birthday
Speckled Chestnut Morgan
Happy Seventeen Birthday!!!
Out to pasture, roan, Tennessee Walker? Wow. Some parts of that name might be true 🙂
What a fun game. And I’m so thrilled to be a filly and part of this wonderful group. It is a true joy in my life!
Untamed Buckskin American Paint.
Happy Birthday to my fellow fillies from Purebred Black American Paint!
Happy Birthday
Out to pasture Gray Appaloosa
Buckin Dun Clydesdale
Have fun celebrating!
Welcome, Friends! I am so happy to see all of you at our 17th Birthday celebration! Thank you for your readership and friendship. We could not have succeeded without you.
From: Stubborn Chestnut Quarter-Horse (a.k.a. Jo-Ann Roberts)
P.S. The “stubborn” part is so me!!!!
Untamed Roan American Paint
Well-Mannered White Tennessee Walker 🙂
High Stepping White Quarter Horse.
Miniature Chestnut Andalusian
Well-Mannered White Tennessee Walker
Good Morning!
Wow! It’s great to see y’all here today and I love seeing what kind of pony you are. : )
I’m a Speckled Black Shetland Pony!
Hope the sun is shining where you are!
Placid roan Appaloosa. Happy 17th
Untamed roam Shetland pony
Well mannered Bay Arabian
Happy 17th Birthday!!
Purebred Bay American Paint
Miniature Bay Arabian
Out-to-Pasture Chestnut Quarter Horse
Happy Birthday! Here’s looking to the next 17 years!
Hello, everyone!
Thank you for your readership and being here to celebrate our birthday! We are so grateful for all of you!
With love from,
A Swaybacked Chestnut Arabian
Purebred Grey Mustang
Miniature Palomino Clydesdale saying happy birthday to the group and to me.
Purebred Palamino Andalusian
Happy B-Day to Ewe! I’m a swaybacked chesnutt quarter horse!
Happy birthday! My filly name would be Stubborn chestnut Tennesse Walker!
Happy Birthday!
Speckled Buckskin Clydesdale!i
Feisty Buckskin Arabian ??
Happiest of Birthdays
Untamed Bay Shetland Pony
Happy 17th to you all.
High-stepping,Palomino,Morgan,happy birthday!
Placid Bay Clydesdale. Haha
Happy Birthday!
Swaybacked Bay Tennesse Walker
Bucking White Arabian
Dad always had horses for us kids
Happy Happy Birthday
Out-to-pasture Dun Morgan. Since I am not 30 anymore, that out-to-pasture is funny!
Happy Birthday! I so enjoy all the fellowship and the interesting educational articles about the West and your books.
Buckin Dun Mustang
Fiesty Bay Tennessee Walker
Out to pasture bay arabian
Hapoy Birthday!
January 7,1946 aroynd 2am
High-stepping Sorrel Arabian
Happy 17th Birthday
Thank you for your group!
Stubborn Bay American Paint…..the stubborn part is true 🙂
Happy birthday!! Placid Sorrell Morgan. Thank you so much for all that you share and do for the community. God bless you.
Feisty Chestnut Tennessee Walker
I’m a feisty, roan, American Paint. Married to a high stepping, chestnut colored mustang. Happy 17th birthday!
Placid Dun Clydesdale
Buckin’ Gray Arabian
Happy Birthday!
Placid Palomino Appaloosa, lol!
Purebred Dun Arabian
Happy Birthday ?
Swaybacked Bay Morgan
Happy Birthday ?
Well-mannered Palomino Appaloosa.
Happy birthday!
Speckled Buckskin Quarter Horse
Well Mannered Chestnut Quater Horse
High-Steppin’ Sorrel American Paint ?
Thanks for the opportunity and happy anniversary!!
Happy birthday!
I’m a Miniature Chestnut Clydesdale. I feel like that’s an accurate description of me.
Swaybacked Gray Clydesdale
Speckled Dun Appaloosa. ? Happy Birthday!!
Purebred White American Paint.
I feel like that’s a pile of contradictions, but what can I say?
Purebred Chestnut American Paint
Out-to-Pasture Buckskin Morgan
I’m a speckled chestnut appaloosa ?
Stubborn Chestnut Morgan! ? Happy 17 years! God bless!
Miniature Black Clydesdale
? ? Happy 17th birthday ? ?
Well Mannered Roan Clydesdale. Happy 17 years!
High Stepping dun American paint
Purebred Bay Andalusian.
Happy Birthday!!
Stubborn Buckskin Clydesdale
Purebred White Morgan ??
Happy birthday ladies! ????
I don’t know why it’s showing question marks lol I had emojis in it but happy birthday!
Miniature Bay Appaloosa
Swayback Bay American Paint.
Placid Black Arabian
Miniature Black Clydesdale that’s me. Happy Birthday Petticoats and Pistols! Thanks for all the years of fun reading.
Minature Sorrel American Paint
Miniature Bay Mustang! I like it! Happy birthday, Petticoats and Pistols!!
I’m a Buckin’ Roan Tennessee Walker!
Placid Dun Arabian…is there such a thing? ? Happy Birthday…some of my absolute favorite always pre-order authors here!
I am a Speckled Roan Mustang. 😛
Speckled buckskin Tennessee walker
Stubborn Sorrel Clydesdale.
I’m a Purebred Chestnut Arabian. I feel very fancy. I’m sure I have a beautiful, flowing mane and I toss it around when I prance.
Happy Blog Birthday ?!
Miniature Roan Arabian
Out to pasture Roan Morgan
Bucking’ Gray Quarter Horse!
Happy birthday!
Swaybacked Palomino Appaloosa.
Happy Birthday!
Miniature Dun Clydesdale
My bd is in 2 days….
Happy 17th Birthday P&P!
Speckled Buckskin Appaloosa
Stubborn Dun Andelusian
Happy Birthday!
Well mannered black Morgan
Bucking Black Arabian
Well mannered bay Clydesdale
Well-mannered White Apaloosa
Happy 17th Birthday celebration!!!
Oh my goodness! What fun! I’m late to the party today, but my gosh, I’m sitting here laughing so hard at some of these. I, myself, am an “Out-to Pasture Chestnut American Paint”–HA! YES, since I just had a birthday a couple of weeks ago and turned 67, maybe I *AM* “out-to-pasture” these days. LOL This has been so much fun. Thanks to everyone for playing along and joining us here so faithfully at Petticoats & Pistols! Y’all are the BEST!
Speckled Palomino Morgan
I am an Out-To-Pasture Black Tennessee Walker!
Untamed Palomino Arabian
I am a Stubborn Dun American Paint? Happy 17th Birthday?
Well Mannered Black Andalusian! I’ll have to look them up! Happy Birthday!
Andalusian horses are gorgeous ?
Swaybacked Chestnut American Paint. Happy Birthday!
Feisty black mustang! Happy Birthday!
Wow! What a response you have had.
What type of Filly am I? Buckin’ Chestnut American Paint.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I am looking forward to your wonderful New Year.
Miniature Bay Appaloosa
Feisty Roan Clydesdale.
Congratulations on 17 years!
Feisty Sorrel Morgan. Happy Birthday Shanna!
Placid Dun Mustang
I’m a Placid Roan Mustang. What an interesting mix.
Happy 17th Birthday!!!!
Miniature White Arabian
High-stepping sorrel American paint!
Swaybacked Roan Tennessee Walker
Happy Birthday!!
I got a stubborn, bay, Shetland pony.
Thanks for the fun!
Feisty Black Morgan
Bucking Bay Arabian
Out – TO- Pasture Gray Arabian
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!????????????
Out-To-Pasture Gray Arabian
Untamed Black Andalusian Filly
Happy Birthday ?
Swaybacked Palomino Tennessee Walker. I love Palominos so it’s pretty appropriate! Happy birthday!
Happy 17th Birthday!!!!
from a Well mannered Palamino Andalusian
Placid Gray Morgan
Feisty Sorrel Mustang
A mighty impressive name for little ole’ me!
Happy 17th Birthday!
Fiesty Sorrell Clydesdale
Buckin’ Sorrel Tennessee Walker
Out to pasture chestnut quarter horse.
Placid, chestnut, appaloosa
Swaybacked gray quarter horse
Stubborn white quarter horse
Stubborn Black Mustang
High stepping Roan Clydesdale.
Well, Happy 17th. That’s a lot of awesome articles!
Untamed Grey Clydesdale
Well Mannered, Chestnut, Quarter Horse!
Happy, Happy Birthday!????
Miniature Chestnut Clysdale
Out-to-Pasture Dun Clydesdale
Purebred Roan Appaloosa!! This is exciting because I have always wanted an Appaloosa.
Untamed Roan Shetland pony
Purebred Bay American Paint
Speckled Palomino Quarter Horse
Speckled White Arabian
Buckin’ Palomino Appaloosa
Stubborn dun mustang ?
Happy 17th!!
High stepping palomino Tennessee walker
High stepping white Arabian!!
Purebred Chestnut Clydesdale!!! HAPPY 17TH BIRTHDAY FILLIES!!!!
Well mannered roan Arabian
Out-to-Pasture Black Tennessee Walker ?
Happy 17th Birthday
Untamed Palin I no Arabian
Miniature buckskin Clydesdale
Happy birthday!!!
Feisty Roan Arabian
Miniature Dun Quarter horse
Speckled Black Andalusan.
Miniature black clysdale.
Miniature Bay Quarter Horse
Happy Birthday ?
Untamed Buckskin Morgan ?
Fiesty Gray Morgan…
Happy Birthday ?