Kimberley Woodhouse Has Winners!

Kimberley, thank you for such a fun weekend. We hope you come back soon with more stories!

Now for the DRAWING….

Five people will win a copy of The Secrets Beneath and one person will also get a copy of Set in Stone!

And the winners are:



                      LYNN MULHERN

                     TRUDY C.

                      DEBRA GUYETTE

              And the person who gets both is LYNN MULHERN!!

             Huge congrats, ladies!! Now watch for Miss Kimberley’s email and check Spam if you don’t see it soon.

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When I'm not keepin' all these Fillies in line, I'm practicing my roping so I can catch me a cowboy. Me and Jasper (my mule) are two peas in a pod. Both of us are as crotchety as all get-out.

7 thoughts on “Kimberley Woodhouse Has Winners!”

  1. Many thanks, Kimberley; I’m looking forward to reading “The Secrets Beneath.”
    Congratulations to my co-winners!

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