We Have a Winner for Karen Kay’s e-book, SHE CAPTURES MY HEART

Good Evening!

Many, many thanks to everyone who came to the blog yesterday and left a message.  I loved them all.

We have a winner for the e-book, SHE CAPTURES MY HEART and the winner is:

Amy Jacobs

Many congratulations, Amy.  To claim your prize, please contact me personally at karenkay.author@startmail.com.

Again, thank you very much to all of you who came to the blog.

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KAREN KAY aka GEN BAILEY is the multi-published author of American Indian Historical Romances. She has written for such prestigious publishers as AVON/HarperCollins, Berkley/Penguin/Putnam and Samhain Publishing. KAREN KAY’S great grandmother was Choctaw Indian and Kay is honored to be able to write about the American Indian Culture.
Please refer to https://petticoatsandpistols.com/sweepstakesrules for all contest rules.

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