Christmas in September?

The release of A Cowboy Christmas Legend still has a week to go but I won’t blog again until October. And I do have a few early copies. It sounds odd talking about Christmas this soon but when writing A Cowboy Christmas Legend, I had to put myself in the right mindset because it was blazing hot outside.

The holiday has always so special to me. I grew up very poor and us kids didn’t get much in the way of gifts, but I loved the warmth of my parents’ love that wrapped around me. An apple, orange, and a few pieces of candy were a treat. Then sometimes if things were good, we got a doll or maybe a book. Christmas meant so much more than gifts. We were together, cared for, our stomachs full, and we had no complaints. My younger sister and I shared a bed, and we would talk (giggle mostly) until we fell asleep. She was and still is my best friend.

In this story, Sam Legend has gone to the northernmost reaches of the Texas Panhandle and settled on a barren piece of land. Once a Texas Ranger, he’s now a bladesmith and makes knives. He wants to forget all about Christmas, forget about the events that forced him away from family and friends. He drapes himself in solitude, content to let his hair and beard grow long until looks more like a mountain man than a member of the famed Legend family.

But when his nearest neighbor’s daughter finds out he’s there, she won’t leave him alone. Cheyenne Ronan can’t imagine anyone hating Christmas and she’s not going to let him spend it working if she can help it. So she begins to plot. Hiding beneath all that hair, is a man worth saving.

Then when a half-frozen little boy appears at his door saying his mama is dying, Sam rushes to find her wagon broken down in the snow. He and Cheyenne work to save the woman and offer comfort to the frightened boy and his little sister. As they care for the desperate travelers, Sam and Cheyenne grow closer together and he wonders about the dark secrets lurking beneath her calm veneer. There’s much more to her than he first thought. Slowly, they begin to know each other.

Christmas is a time of miracles and Sam and Cheyenne get more than one. Together, they discover that love can be the stuff of Legend.

In one scene, she’s singing Christmas carols with the children to soothe them. One very old one is Away in a Manger. It was sung long before it published in 1884. Silent Night is even older. The text was written in 1816, the music put to it in 1818. It’s not a carol, but The Twelve Days of Christmas was written during the Puritan days in England. These have been around for a very long time. So there’s a bit of history to go along with the story.

To preorder or to save when it goes on sale Sept. 28th, CLICK HERE.

The siblings in this story, Aaron and Ellen, are best friends and cling to each other during this tremendous trial. My sister was/is mine. Did you have a best friend growing up? Maybe one you could tell anything to. I’m giving away an autographed copy of A Cowboy Christmas Legend to two people who comment.

Linda Broday Headshot
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Here in the Texas Panhandle, we do love our cowboys. There's just something about a man in a Stetson and jeans that makes my heart beat faster. I'm not much of a cook but I love to do genealogy and I'm a bit of a rock hound. I'm also a NY Times & USA Today bestselling author of historical western romance. You can contact me through my website and I'd love to connect with you on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and more. HAPPY READING!

65 thoughts on “Christmas in September?”

    • Good morning, Anxious. I’m so glad you have Cindy to turn to for support, a sounding board, and plain old love that wraps around you like a glove. We all need one person who fills that spot. Thank you so much for coming. Have a blessed day.

  1. My best friend in high school was Danny. He was a lifesaver after my kid brother died unexpectedly.

    Sadly, we lost touch a few years later when he moved out of state.

    I still think about him, I have been unable to track him down.

    I cannot wait to read the next Legend story.

    • Good morning, Alisa! I’m so happy to see you. I hope the weather in Florida is perfect. How nice to have a man friend and I’m glad you had Danny. Losing your kid brother so suddenly must’ve shattered your heart. I wish you could connect with him again. It’s hard when we lose touch with those good friends. Thank you for the anticipation for this book. I hope it brings back memories of your own Christmases. Love you, lady.

  2. I have two brothers, obviously not my besties, but if I asked them for something, they’d show up.

    Over the years, different people have been my best friend. I’m at a strange place now, where I’m not sure if I have one bestie. I have a small group of women I’m close with, and each seems to have a different purpose in my life. They each serve as a bestie depending on my need.

    I do miss having that one person. My maid of honor served that role for a long time. We’re still close, but with living in different states and each raising boys, a natural distance seemed to happen.

    • Good morning, Denise. I’m so happy that fall will arrive tomorrow. You know, it’s nice to have a group of women to serve different purposes in your life. That’s almost the same and maybe better than just having one really good friend. We take what God gives us and be happy. Blessings and love, sweet lady.

    • Good morning, Debra. I’m so sorry about your sister. That’s difficult to take and leaves such a hole. Thanks for coming by. I always love seeing you. Blessings and love, dear friend.

    • Good morning, Julie! Thanks so much for coming. How nice to have a best friend in Mom. I was really close to mine but there were things I just could not tell her or talk to her about. I’m glad you have her. Sending blessings and love to help through your day.

  3. I can’t really say I have a best friend. I have some good friends (mostly the online kind), but I don’t know if I could really trust them enough to tell secrets to or ask advice.

    • Good morning, Janine. It’s great to see you. I get that. Sometimes it’s hard to trust, especially when you think they’ll react a certain way. It’s really scary to give power to hurt you to other people so I can understand that. Follow your heart. Sending blessings and love.

    • Good morning, Cathy. Thank you for coming. Sometimes it’s our lot in life to be alone and having no one to rely on. That takes a lot of strength. A good deal of my characters are loners who have no one and I can sort of relate to that because of my high school days where I was treated as an outcast, so I understand them. I pray that if you need help you can get it. Sending warm blessings and love your way.

  4. I didn’t have a best friend growing up. Lived 25 miles from nearest town on a farm—-always had chores to do and no one my age around.

    • Good morning, Estella. Oh my goodness, you were very alone. I’m so sorry. As I told Cathy T. above, it must’ve been your lot in life to live so isolated. I’m sure it taught you a lot about self-reliance. That takes mental strength. Thanks for coming. Much love.

  5. living out in the country made it hard to have a human best friend, but my horse Whistle certainly listened to everything I told him!

    • Good morning, Teresa. Well, you took what you could get. Whistle was probably overjoyed to have you confide in him. And he could sure keep a secret! I love it. Have a wonderful day. Love you.

  6. Bebe was my best friend growing up and she is like a sister to me. Our parent were friends so we became best friends from babies on. When my sister has a cookout she still invites Bebe to come. We were best friend all the way through school. If she wasn’t at my house I was at hers.

    • Yes, Quilt Lady. That’s what I’m talking about. I’m so happy you had Bebe and still do. She fills an important role in your life. She’d even help you hide the body if you needed her too. 🙂 Have a lovely day, my friend. Much love.

    • My sister and cousins were my best friends when we were younger. As I got older I’ve had many best friends at different stages in my life. In high school when I met the man who would become my husband, he became my best friend. He still is to this day!

      • Hi Luanne, thanks for coming by. You’ve been blessed with best friends and that’s wonderful. You always had someone to talk to about anything and everything. That’s sweet about your husband. Sometimes they make the best friends of all. Have a blessed day.

  7. I did not have a best friend growing up, I only had three brothers and grew up on a farm, so play dates were unheard of! My two youngest are best friends and inseparable. I love it! I hope that sticks with them forever.

    • Good morning, Susan P. Sounds like God’s plan for you was to not have a best friend. Maybe you have this strong inner resilience where you don’t need one. Your two youngest sound like me and my sister. 🙂 Thanks for coming. Have a lovely day and celebrate being alive. Love you.

  8. Carol was my best friend growing up. We have shared in life’s most trying moments and joyful celebrations. Linda, this book was awesome! I loved it! Thank you for being YOU!. I may have to reread it to allow it to pull on my heartstrings once again. I love you.

    • Oh, Kathy! Thank you for those kind words. I’m so happy you loved the book. Keep sharing life with Carol. She sounds like the perfect fit for you. I love you dearly, Kathy. I’m so relieved you’re feeling victorious over your cancer.

  9. It’s true, we were each other’s best friend in all of our growing-up years. We did everything together. I remember the excitement of sharing books that we loved, creating worlds with our paper dolls and playing jacks (You’d almost always beat me). 🙂 I wouldn’t trade those years for anything. This book cover is stunning, and I know all of your readers are going to love Sam’s story! Love you, sister!

    • Hi Sister, I’m glad you found a minute to pop over. I know how busy you are. Thank you for being my best friend, my confidant, my support no matter what. You’ve always been here for me and it’ll be devastating when the time comes to part. I pray that’s years and years from now. I know how our mom felt after her sister (our aunt) passed. They were truly soul friends in every sense of the word. And Aunt E was like our second mother. Thank you for the compliment on the book cover and story. I love you dearly, Sister.

    • Hi Caryl, it’s great to see you. Thank you for the compliment on my cover. I think it’s one of my best. How wonderful to have a best friend dog. I’m sure he/she kept your secrets locked up tight. 🙂 Thanks for coming and have a beautiful day filled with blessings and love.

  10. Growing up until she moved away when I was about 12, my best friend lived next door to me. We did everything together and we often got the same thing for Christmas.

    • Hi Kathleen! How wonderful to see you. Thanks for coming. At least you had a best friend for several years. It sounds like you were very close. Matching gifts made it extra special. I hope only good things fill your day. Much love.

  11. I love reading historical Christmas stories. Christmas celebrations are pared down to what is important.

    My childhood best friend and I took separate paths in life, so we lost touch. I have had lots of good friends, though, in the various chapters of my life.

    • Hi Cheryl C! Wow, I grinned when your name came up. I always love seeing you. I hate that you lost touch with your best friend but often those are only meant to last for a while when you need them. Others last for a lifetime. It just depends on your needs. But whether long or short, it’s wonderful to have that support. Christmas stories are my favorites too. I love soaking up all that warmth and hope they bring to my heart. Sometimes they’re thought-provoking and other times just fun but they always make you feel something and that’s so nice. 🙂 Much love and big hugs, dear friend.

  12. My best friend and I lost touch in the 8 th grade. 6 years ago she found me on Facebook. And its like we’ve never been apart. I call her grandkids that she raises my niece and nephew. And she does the same with my grandkids that I help raise . Their mother. My daughter is an addict. So me and their other grandparents raise them. I live on ssi. And She and Her husband for two years made sure they hand Christmas. Even bought for my other grandkids. She is and always will be my sister. I’m 57. That’s along time to have her back in my life. I am so lucky to know this wonderful lady.

    • Hi Tonya Cherry. You are indeed a lucky woman to have such a good friend. It was God’s will that you find each other again. And just when you seemed to need her love and support. I’m so sorry about about your daughter. Breaks my heart and it’s so horrible for the kids. They’re lucky to have you to provide loving care. Hold on to your best friend. She’ll be there for the long haul. Much love and tender hugs, dear friend.

  13. I had several close friends growing up and enjoyed them when we were together. As the years went by, the friends would come and go as circumstances changed.

    • Hi Connie Lee! I’m so happy you stopped by to read my post. Some friends are like that and are only there for a little while. I’m glad you have them when you need one. Have a beautiful day, sweet lady.

    • Hi Colleen, thanks for coming over. I always love seeing you. I’m so glad you have a best friend in your little sister. That’s wonderful. We don’t have to be alike to be friends. My sister and I are very different also but we share a lot of same tastes. Love you, dear friend.

  14. My youngest sister and I were best friends as kids and I feel we still are. When I was a kid, I was the kid who got bullied from stone in snowballs to getting others to bully me too. Faith and and a good family support network got me through.
    Love book cover and excerpt. Would love to read and review the book in print.
    Please enter me
    Hope I Win

    • Hi Crystal! It’s awesome to have you. Thanks for coming. It’s good to have a protector in our best friend. I’m glad you had her. I was very shy as a kid and my little sister talked for me quite a bit. Great to have her. Thanks for liking what you see about the book and thanks for the compliment about the cover. You’re entered in the drawing. Take care and have a wonderful rest of your day.

  15. Linda, if I’m right, you have TWO Christmas stories out this month?!? You are amazing!

    I’m one of seven kids, and we are all close. I don’t know how my parents managed it, but some of us are in our 60s now, and we still keep in touch almost daily via a sibling text thread. I know if I need anything – advice, a shoulder, or a shirt off one of their backs! – they’d give it to me.

    I love your story premise, Linda. Bravo!

    • Hi Pam, yes indeed, I do have two Christmas books coming out on the 28th, the very same day. They’re with two different publishers. Wow, 7 kids in your family!! My goodness. I don’t know how your parents managed it either. Bet you wore them out. 🙂 I’m glad you have them to offer support, help, and love. We always need someone. Love you, my Filly sister.

    • Hi Diana, thanks for coming. I’m happy to see you. It seems you managed just fine without a best friend. I was very shy also but thankfully I came out of a lot of it as I got older. Although I’m still not comfortable in front of a large crowd. Big hugs.

    • Hi Megan, I’m happy to see you. Thanks for coming by. You’re the second one with a mom best friend. That’s so awesome that you’re that close. It must be so nice. Have a blessed evening.

  16. I am an only child. I had a best friend through elementary into high school. We were together at every chance we could. We do not see each other much, but if we see each other, it is as if we are never apart. Congratulations on your new book.

    • Hi Debbie, thanks for popping over. Being an only child comes with advantages and disadvantages. I can’t imagine a world without my siblings, especially my baby sister. I’m glad you grew up with a best friend and knew that closeness. I hope you enjoy my Christmas story should you get a chance to read it. Have a lovely day.

  17. Congratulations on your upcoming release of A COWBOY CHRISTMAS LEGEND. As with all your other books, I am sure this one will be an enjoyable and touching read. Blacksmiths/bladesmiths are close to my heart since my husband dabbles in it and our son is pretty good at it.
    I was the oldest of six and sort of the odd one out all the time. I had two sisters and we shared a bedroom. I had a twin bed and the other two shared a bed. Yes they did grow up being close to each other.
    Best wishes for a wonderfully successful release.

    • Thank you so much for congrats for this Christmas book, Pat. One more under my belt. You’ll be able to relate to Sam a lot since you’re familiar with bladesmithing. Very interesting about your hubby and son’s interest in it. Often it’s the pits being the oldest child, especially if there’s a gap between you and the rest. Sorry you didn’t have that closeness. Sending much love your way.

  18. Good morning Linda, I just finished this amazing book. The mist unique one you’ve ever written. I did have a best friend and we told each other everything, sadly she passed away in 2018, she was only 46 years old.
    Congrats on your new book. Love you sister friend.

    • Hi Miss Tonya, thank you so much for liking this book. It was pretty different from all my others in a lot of ways but I’m happy it worked for you. I’m so sorry about your best friend. Losing her at such a young age, must’ve been devastating. We wonder why these things happen but there’s really no answer. It must’ve been her time. Love you dearly, sweet friend.

  19. I have a friend since high school. Have been friends for 50 plus yrs. We talk on the phone. Not only her but my aunt is my very best friend. We were 3 yrs apart and we talk all the time over the phone. She is the last of my moms siblings. She reminds me of my mom. The best friends ever. I also consider you a friend even though we never met.

    • Dearest Emma, my heart smiles when I see your name. I consider you a friend also and love getting your emails. I enjoy hearing about what you’re doing. You’ve been blessed to have two best friends. That’s wonderful. Lots of love and big hugs.

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