My Nativity Collection

Hello everyone, Winnie Griggs here.  It’s December and I’ve just finished putting up my Christmas tree so my thoughts have naturally turned to Christmas.  So I thought I’d share with you one of my favorite kinds of decorations.  I believe I’ve mentioned here before that I collect Nativity sets and creches – I have dozens of them and some of them stay out on my shelves year round.  Today I’m going to give you a peek into just a few of my favorites – some are quite old and some are more modern.  Some are simple and some are elaborate.  But they all struck a chord with me when I saw them in a way that compelled me to take it home with me.

So, without further ado, here is a photo collage of a dozen or so pieces from my collection.


nativity12 nativity07nativity06 nativity05nativity04 nativity03 nativity14 nativity02nativity01 nativity09 nativity13nativity10 nativity08 nativity11



Oh, and I received word a few weeks ago that my June book, Lone Star Heiress, has been nominated for an RT Reviewer’s Choice Award.  To celebrate, I’m planning to award one to one person who leaves a comment here today their pick of any book on my backlist.  You can look over the choices on the books page of my website here:

So tell me, is there any holiday themed item you collect or some decoration or object that has special significance to you this time of year?


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Winnie Griggs is the author of Historical (and occasionally Contemporary) romances that focus on Small Towns, Big Hearts, Amazing Grace. She is also a list maker, a lover of dragonflies and holds an advanced degree in the art of procrastination.
Three of Winnie’s books have been nominated for the Romantic Times Reviewers Choice Award, and one of those nominations resulted in a win.
Winnie loves to hear from readers. You can connect with her on facebook at or email her at

39 thoughts on “My Nativity Collection”

  1. Hi Winnie, I have been collecting polar bear ornaments the last few years and my husband has been making ornaments out of wood. He’s made ones with the names of our boys and bunch of other neat designs including a nativity. Merry Christmas Winnie! Jenny

    • Hi Janine! LOL, my husband calls my various collections a result of ‘pack-rat-itis” so perhaps not having a collection is a good thing 🙂 Thanks for stopping by.

  2. I love the pictures of your collection. I have a wine themed tree every year. Other than that it’s just an eclectic mix of decorations!

  3. Love the Nativities, so pretty, I like snowmen, I enjoy keeping them up for the brrr months 🙂 I’ve got to find my Nativity!

  4. Those are wonderful! Through the years, I have kept my mouse stocking, an ornament my grandmother made for me, and a few little ornaments that used to be on my grandmother’s tree every year.
    Congrats on the RT Reviewer’s Choice Award nomination! 🙂

  5. What a beautiful collection, Winnie! My favorites are always the ones with the removable baby Jesus. I have been collecting for years, too and am now giving my kids some of them now that they have homes of their own.

    Congrats on the RT nomination, my friend. Yowzers! And so well deserved.

  6. I have a collection of vintage elf huggers,that I place on my fireplace mantel,,they are really cute and hard to find,,love your collection,very pretty,,I also put antique ornamemts on my tree,I find them at estate sale or yard sales

  7. What a lovely collection, Winnie! I enjoy collecting ornaments. We have a fun mix on our tree- childhood ornaments, handmade ornaments, ornaments we’ve bought on vacation, photo ornaments, and many more. I love the wonderful moments and memories they all represent!

    Congratulations on your RT Reviewer’s Choice nomination!

    • Hi Britney. How lucky you are – ornaments that have special memories attached to them are so much dearer than ones bought willy-nilly, no matter how exquisite they look.

  8. Winnie, these are gorgeous! I’ll bet your house is lovely during the holidays.

    About the only thing I collect around here are dust mice and balls of dog fur. Oh — and books! 😀

    Have a merry Christmas, Fillie sister!

    • Thanks Kathleen! As for the loveliness of my house, I’m having a little trouble getting my act together for the massive housecleaning that awaits 🙂 And I wish you a very blessed and joyous Christmas as well.

  9. Beautiful nativities. I made one in a ceramics class that I put out every year. I collect ornaments and they mean a lot to me – some from parents, trips, my kids etc. I have two angel toppers made when my children were in preschool that always go on the top. Congratulations on your RT Reviewer’s Choice nomination.

  10. Love your nativitie items, beautiful! I use to collect ornaments until I went to a smaller tree and didn’t use them anymore. The only thing I collect now are thimbles from different places. When someone is going somewhere I ask them to bring me a thimble. I have one from Italy and Holand that my brother in law brought me back when he went there for work.

    • Hi QuiltLady. It’s so cool that you have one from Holland and Italy! I had a cousin who collected thimbles – she had a huge number of them and could tell you the story behind each and every one.

  11. Winnie,

    What a gorgeous collection!

    If I had to chose just one, I’d say one of my most valued decoration is my Nativity. My grandmother made it years ago.

  12. My mother in law made me a huge Nativity many years ago. It is my special treasure. She also made me a Kneeling Santa which is my favorite Santa among the many that I have.

  13. Those are beautiful Winnie! Love the second pic, top row so much. Really original. I put out the nativity scene given to me by Tanya, our fellow Filly, every Christmas. It’s a favorite of mine!

  14. So beautiful. I’m loving your collection.

    I have a little nativity that my parents bought for me many years ago. Full of memories & love.

  15. Sorry I missed this post yesterday. I love nativity sets and seem to add another one every so often. This year it was a small child’s set I can put down where my granddaughter can reach it. The very first Christmas decoration we bought the first Christmas we were married was a Hummel set with figures that remind me of It’s A Small World at Disney. Thanks for sharing yours.

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