Cheryl St.John

Rain_Shadow_AmazonIn 2007 I was one of the original Fillies here at Petticoats and Pistols when we kicked off the site and made plans for the future. I’m proud of what Wildflower Junction has accomplished and the impact it’s had on fans of western romance. I have made wonderful friends here among the other authors, and I’ve gained faithful readers as well. I’ve enjoyed every minute of my association with each one of you.


As writers, everything we do is a balancing act while we juggle writing, promotion, social media, family, friends, health and everyday life.  At P&P there is every bit as much going on behind the scenes as what is visible here, what with scheduling and guests and holiday events and drawings. It’s one busy place, I can assure you. You have probably guessed by now what I’m leading up to. I’m not calling it a farewell by any means. I’m searching out some new directions in my life and career and making changes in where and how I can stretch my time. I will still be a devoted fan of P&P. These Fillies are my sweetest friends. You dear readers are what it’s all about. I will still be writing books and I’ve been assured there will be a guest spot open for me whenever I want to come calling.


For nostalgia’s sake I thought it would be fun to link to a few of my favorite posts today.



So while this is my last regularly scheduled post with the Fillies, I will be back. Thank you for the past six years! Smooches! XOXO

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Land of Dreams for Kindle:
Colorado Courtship (Winter of Dreams) Anthology LIH 1/13
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From the Heart:

14 thoughts on “Cheryl St.John”

  1. Cher, you already know the Junction won’t be the same without you. But we all understand adjustments and balance. Thanks for the tiptoe through memory lane in your favorite posts. And come back soon!

  2. Cheryl, it won’t be the same without you, but as you said this isn’t farewell, just kinda a LOA because you’ll be back blogging from time to time as a guest. Thanks for letting us go down memory lane with you today. You’ll be missed as a Filly, but always loved and admired as a friend and fellow writer. Hugs, Phyliss

  3. Oh Cher, you made me cry. It’s not going to be the same without you. I’m already missing you. You’ve had a big impact on my life. I feel we’re a lot more than friends. You’re my sister. I’ve adopted you. I always loved your posts. You came up with some interesting subjects over the years. I wish you well, my sister, in everything you do. And PLEASE come back often to say hello. Now, I’m off to blow my nose and wipe away a few tears. I love you.

  4. Cheryl, So sorry to see you leave. I have enjoyed your posts since finding Petticoats and Pistols. I found your books and started reading them long before that. THE GUNSLINGER’S BRIDE was one of the first ones I read, back when it first came out. Whenever I find one of your older ones that I have missed, I always get it.
    I’ll look forward to Your visits back here and reading all your future books.

    Best of luck with your “reorganization.” It is so easy to get over involved and find yourself with not enough time to do all that you have committed to. It is hard to give up things you like and enjoy, but sometimes there is no choice.

  5. Sob! And tons of well-wishes for navigating the new directions, Cher. I will miss you here in the Junction but will always stay in touch privately. Love you bunches and bunches, and thanks for the support and encouragement you’ve given me so far…and I know I’ll come whining to you again.

    Love you dearly. xoxox

  6. Before we launched P & P, I remember vividly going out to lunch at Appleby’s and plotting with you this unique new site for western romance. We never dreamed we’d still be here almost 8 years later.

    Wildflower Junction won’t be the same. Come back and see us–you have to promise!

  7. Thanks to each and every one of you. You can be assured I will come back often.

    Linda, I am so glad you’ve adopted me. I need a sister. 🙂

    And no, Pam, I never imagined P&P would still be going strong! We have wonderful readers to support us.

  8. Best wishes for your future endeavors Cheryl! This writing life is quite a roller-coaster. I’ve always looked forward to your posts. I’m so glad you will be popping in here occasionally to let us know what you are up to!

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