May Your Day be Filled With Love, Hugs & Hershey’s Kisses

horseheader1.jpeHAPPY Valentine’s Day!

I love both Charlene’s and Cheryl’s posts.  Love all those statistics. I want each and every one of our bloggers to know that we all send you much love on this very special day.  You are a part of our family, and whether you know it or not, you are each one loved!

3-paul-31.jpgMy heart belongs to my husband, Paul, whom I love with all my heart.  Happy Valentine’s Day, Paul!

5-orlando1.jpgPlease consider yourself hugged.  May your day be filled with nothing but love and hugs & kisses.

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KAREN KAY aka GEN BAILEY is the multi-published author of American Indian Historical Romances. She has written for such prestigious publishers as AVON/HarperCollins, Berkley/Penguin/Putnam and Samhain Publishing. KAREN KAY’S great grandmother was Choctaw Indian and Kay is honored to be able to write about the American Indian Culture.
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10 thoughts on “May Your Day be Filled With Love, Hugs & Hershey’s Kisses”

  1. HAPPY VALENTINES DAY LADIES sending out x0x0x0x0 ‘s to each one of you and hope this a very special day for each of you!!!

  2. Hope everyday is a wonderfully romantic day! Hope all you can enjoy the day! I’m so lucky and happy since I met my boyfriend on Thanks to him, he offered me so many.

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