Welcome to the West!


I’m Elizabeth Lane, and I’ll be posting on Thursday.  Since we’ve started with cowboys and horses, I plan to tell you more about cowboy gear and what their work was like.  The picture is the cover of my latest book, THE STRANGER.  The hero is a cowboy with a troubled past.  Looking forward to telling you more!

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I'm an internationally published romance author, coming up on 40 novels and novellas. Most of my stories have been Westerns for Harlequin Historicals, but I set stories in other times and places as well. I'll also be writing contemporary stories for Harlequin Desire, with the first release in January 2013. You can learn more on my web site.

4 thoughts on “Welcome to the West!”

  1. Elizabeth, I know you’re gonna give me lots of good research information. Can’t wait to see what interesting tidbits you have to share! Your book really intrigues me. Gotta get it.

  2. This is so exciting! I’ll be able to learn more and get the latest information about western romance releases!
    Congrats on the great cover to your book!

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